The story behind Inside the Vatican Magazine
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Dr. Robert Moynihan, Editor-in-Chief of Inside the Vatican Magazine, discusses the origins of the magazine and his wish to “tell the story of the Catholic Church that nobody else was telling”.
Almost thirty years ago, a unique magazine published its first issue: Inside the Vatican brought the “heart of the Church,” the Vatican, into focus for Catholics around the world, many for the first time. Then Pope John Paul II told the world, “The Church must breathe with both her lungs” -- Catholic and Orthodox – and we responded by reaching out in unprecedented ways to build unity with the Orthodox Church. Today, we once again read the “signs of the times”, which cry out for unity: unity of each soul with God, unity within the Catholic Church, unity between Catholics and the Orthodox, brothers and sisters in faith and sacrament. And we are responding with a new, ambitious initiative, “Unitas: Come, Rebuild My Church.” Join us as we take to heart these words of Christ to St. Francis of Assisi, working with all our strength to build unity. And come with us as we take you on a journey beginning 30 years ago, and continuing into tomorrow...
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Almost thirty years ago, a unique magazine published its first issue: Inside the Vatican brought the “heart of the Church,” the Vatican, into focus for Catholics around the world, many for the first time. Then Pope John Paul II told the world, “The Church must breathe with both her lungs” -- Catholic and Orthodox – and we responded by reaching out in unprecedented ways to build unity with the Orthodox Church. Today, we once again read the “signs of the times”, which cry out for unity: unity of each soul with God, unity within the Catholic Church, unity between Catholics and the Orthodox, brothers and sisters in faith and sacrament. And we are responding with a new, ambitious initiative, “Unitas: Come, Rebuild My Church.” Join us as we take to heart these words of Christ to St. Francis of Assisi, working with all our strength to build unity. And come with us as we take you on a journey beginning 30 years ago, and continuing into tomorrow...
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