The Common Good vs. Trumpism | The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich

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Today, in honor of Memorial Day, we take a deep dive into the common good versus its antithesis — Trumpism. We look at what’s happened to the common good, why Trumpism is attractive to so many these days, and how the common good can be resurrected.

Please grab a cup, pull of a chair, and join the conversation.
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It started with Reagan blaming poverty on poor people and when companies switched from treating employees as an investment to as an expense. That is my life experience, at least.


It will take generations to get over the mess he left. If he somehow does get reelected... we're screwed.


Thank you for a worthy discussion. I find it ironic that the decline in concern for the common good is most prominent among a group of people who also profess to be Christians. It's stranger than fiction.


It was Raegan who trumped Kennedy’s “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” with “the government isn’t the solution, the government is the problem”. That was the turning point.


He absolutely did. His cruel, anti-social beliefs spread to every person hiding hate and racism in their hearts. It gave them a platform to spread their message.


Thanks Mr Reich!, we need more people like you!!❤


Robert Reich is the only Reich I can unify with!


My German relatives have often asked me why Americans are so selfish. My answer has been the Americans look at themselves as being more important than society, while Europeans put their society first over their personal interests.


Well he didnt ruin me, my family and my friends. He surely ruined the lives of millions of sheeple that continue to follow him. Us normies just have to deal with the mess. But that is almost normal with most GOP Presidents. Most in my lifetime have left a stain on the country. It is always up to the adults in the room, the Dem who follow, to clean up the mess.


I remember when “Reaganism” came in the 80’s, and riches and selfishness became the height of fashion. We must get back to caring for one another - including corporations.


Robert Reich is so smart and wise. I am so grateful that he continues to educate and help our country. He is a national treasure.


The irony of Americans is they think they're against royalty but they give their president many of the powers of royalty. The way the power of pardon (for example) is used to routinely discard the decision of the courts is crazy.


I worked in an electronics shop for several months back then and they played Rush loud all day long. I was not political but what my coworkers would say to each other after being inspired by Rush made me a democrat for life.


An imagined connection between wealth and morality is driving a religious movement. It's happened before throughout time. Worshipping the wealthy as being morally superior has lead to calling anyone poor "lazy". This magically absolves any moral obligation to care for those who lack opportunity and generational wealth.


Sadly, the people that need to see this video won’t. And the few trumpers that do watch it won’t understand it. The trump party is the party of selfishness.


Secretary Reich, you are still a national treasure. Thank you for your contributions to our greater good. 💙💙


Gingrich / Gecko was definitely a turning point in America. The acceptance of selfish and greed as good.


This was one of the best Coffee Klatch episodes. These ideas are so important and fundamental. I love reframing today's challenges as selfishness vs. civic responsibility/morality. It gets at the heart of the problem. It is something everyone can understand.


These excellent programs remind me that politics is not only about policy or philosophy but about character. Robert and Heather represent the most attractive element in the Democratic Party and show that the spirit of FDR is still alive and working.


I'm 66 years old and I've detected a major change in our society when my mom and dad's generation began to die out. My dad and his brothers were born around 1920 and they grew up through the depression then all three fought in WWII. That generation helped each other out without ever expecting something in return. I never heard them blurting out their politics to others like people do so freely today. They just worked, raised their families, and everyone got along. But with the baby boom generation which includes myself, we've never had to encounter anything like the depression or WWII where everyone had to come together just to survive. We became selfish and only helped each other when there was something in it for us. Trump did not create that culture of entitlement and selfishness and being disrespectful, but he embodies it. And sadly so much of our population is that same way.
