Why Did God Tell Hosea To Marry A Prostitute (Biblical Stories Explained)

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►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.

Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.


Title: Why Did God Tell Hosea To Marry A Prostitute (Biblical Stories Explained)



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Our work is original and drastically rearranged with unique editing to bring the best from the message. Creative effects are added to highlight certain areas in the message. when there are two or more speakers it is done in a conversational manner meaning they complete each other sentences while staying on topic, intermittent sampling is also applied.
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Amen, In order for Hosea to understand the love God had for the Israelites, he had to experience betrayal, from a self-indulging and carnal wife. The Israelite and Gomer had to face hardships before realizing how disobedient cause blessings to be forfeited, it's obvious that the pleasure of sin and greed is mankind downfall, I thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ that saved my life, calling me to see the light, the Bible is a profound book, I am amaze how these biblical stories and modern day living, is evident that mankind behavior has not changed🙌❤️


This is the book God led me to when I wanted to give up on my marriage, and it completely changed my outlook ❤️✝️ My husband felt different and went through with a divorce. But God has been there with me every single step of the way! His love IS unconditional! ❤️✝️


Now, I understand what the Book of Hosea is all about. May God help us to be faithful to Him in Jesus Name 🙏


God is extremely good at speaking to His people in a way that they actually are able to understand, if they are willing to stop and listen, and then interpret correctly, and then the most important part, actually applying/obeying His message to ourselves appropriately and completely. We need to train ourselves to be able to do that, with God's grace and help. Thank you for your well thought out and explained messages regarding the Bible, and God, and ourselves as well. Well done indeed again! 👏


9:34, these are great examples to understand God. I will admit that when my children act out, or are stubborn or rebellious, I immediately stop and consider how God feels towards us, his children. It teaches me how he loves his children even through our rebelliousness and stubbornness, and when we need correction, he provides it not only as a punishment sometimes, but also out of love. Yes, in the punishment there is love, because like the scripture says, if you do not correct your children, you don’t love them.


Gomer was a great early example of the sinfulness of feminism. She disregarded God word about marriage, family, and sexual conduct so she could make her own money, follow her selfish lusts, and feel "strong and independent." This sinful ideology destroys marriages, promotes division among the sexes, stokes sinful pride, leads to rampant sexual immorality, and shortchanges many children out of the benefits of having a devoted (i.e. not mother. We should all pray that God lifts the curse of feminism off of our culture.


God is so deep. To understand His ways is indeed a direct blessing. Amen❤


There is no one or anything that can take the place of JESUS in my life He is the only one that knows my ❤️ I love you Jesus, And thank you Jesus for everything you did for me and everything you went through and everything that the world did to you to try to stop you from carrying my cross Thank you Jesus


I've strayed from the Lord and it is terrible 😔 it becomes chaotic depressing sleepless and I give thanks to our Father in heaven for taking me back because I was so lost and now He gives me everything I need I pray and He answers God has truly blessed me and I pray that God blesses with all of you in Jesus's Name 🙏 I know it's hard to have faith sometimes but stand fast remember the information in the Bible is for us and in a lot of ways that is a manual on how to live our lives. And if you don't know how God did certain things that seem just remember he did them and we don't have to know how we just have to have faith and love love love love love each other


We are all drowning
Reaching out our hands
Praying God will forgive us
God bless us with Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.


Excellent teaching, I loved it, and wanted more of this book I’m scripture, May the Lord bless you continuously in His word for you to share with World !


So Hoses would know how God felt about His people. God felt his people were unfaithful from the proposal of His covenant with him.
They had 3 children. She left Hoses for Other men.
He hunted her down. Brought her home. Made her be celibate for a while.
Then he took her to the place of their first sex and loved her again.
This is how God wants us to try to be. It also helps us understand the anger and disappointments God has with us.


He had him Mary Gomer because history repeats itself, now this shows forgiveness, mercy, unconditional love.
This show that God sees favor in a person having these qualities.


amen. that was pure gold. i read hosea but didn't really understand the full impact until now.


The parallels with my life are unbelievable . The suffering was and is predictable . The narrow path is well lit . The law is simplified to only 10 commandments . Everything outside of these law's comes with costs and consequences . Repent, Reprove and pray for guidance .


Woow this so beautiful...I've come to understand the true meaning of love ...and what God means when he says that he loves truly God is loving, caring and faithful....i was worried that i haven't read so many stories concerning Gods servant buh thenks to this channel it has made it easier for me when it comes to old testament teaching..y'all be blessed


Straying from GOD brought hell right in my forefront it was a grave mistake
Now I have to live with gangstalking and prove myself worthy to THE GREAT I AM till I die
Take heed
It's best to live holy
Because YAH is holy


Matthew 24:12
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.


I'm preparing for a bible study on the book of Hosea. This video was extremely insightful as to what the deeper meaning is, and the background given was super helpful. I took lots of notes! Thank you.


Proverbs 26:11
As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.

2 Timothy 3:4
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
