wave to earth - seasons

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wave to earth - seasons

#danielions #wavetoearth #kindie
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I'll be leaving a comment so when someone likes this, it's a reminder to listen to this song again.


for me this song shows how when you love someone you can be very vulnerable. sometimes when you’re not the best version of yourself yet, you feel that being in a relationship will burden your partner. So you just sit back and leave them alone and hope that they’re well. Because they won’t be happy with you either, you have too much baggage.

edit; I wrote this awhile ago to analyze the lyrics, glad it resonated with some of you. Reading it now, it’s a bit cheesy (hehe) but regardless, the meaning is still there and completely valid. hope whoever’s reading this is doing well. have a blessed day <3


"I can't be your love" hits hard.


seasons is for those who admire from afar, those who do not wish for more than spending time with the one they love nor for their feelings to be reciprocated, because just their love's existence alone is enough for them to admire.

seasons is for those who think that they do not deserve the person they love because they're afraid that they'd just ruin their life.

seasons is for those who love too much without expecting anything in return


literally found this gem by accident on spotify. now im so into korean indies


i'll listen to this song when someone likes my comment


I have always associated this band with her, as it always reminds me of her. She was the most unexpected person I ever met. I really thought it was the red string theory, as we passed by each other in elementary school and through malls as strangers. Even in senior high school, during grade 11, we just passed by each other, not knowing we would confess our love near Christmas.

As the days went by, we had fun, shared struggles, laughed together, and discussed our thoughts and views about the world. We shared our first impressions of each other, our likes and dislikes, and so much more. We bonded and did some crazy things together, experiencing many firsts. It felt like true love. We exchanged gifts and sweaters, and it really felt like a dream.

But, just like a dream, it didn’t last forever. Our honeymoon phase slowly faded, and then we gradually stopped communicating. We had an argument, and it hurts to say this, but I was the dumbest guy to have ever existed at that time. I fumbled that moment. I tried everything I could, but I was never a prideful person. However, that day, that moment, I had pride, which cost me my relationship with her. It all started because of that moment. If I hadn't... I don't know anymore.

I tried steering us in the right direction, but she didn't. She sailed the opposite way. She didn't fight back, she didn't understand, and she didn't even try to fix it. I tried to the point where my mental health was slowly deteriorating. I distanced myself from the friends I was close with, but also close with her. I wanted them to prioritize her over me, as it was a selfish act of mine. Then again, I was alone, slowly losing myself. I kept asking why and where did I go wrong. I was blinded and kept searching for answers. I was desperate. Social media was slowly worsening my mental state, so I had no choice but to reduce my use of it.

I slowly started enjoying walking, socializing with other people, seeking advice, seeking help, and seeking answers. Then again, randomly, this song played, and I saw her. But in my mind, I had already accepted the fact that we couldn't go back together, and the only option was to move forward. As someone said, being happy is a choice. Never change yourself because of a person; just be you. That advice really sank in while listening to this song. This song will touch you not just with its lyrics but also with its instrumental, as music always comforts your mind, heart, and spirit.

I thank her for the experience that I have gained. I thank her for the things that I didn’t know about myself, which I am now slowly uncovering once again. We may not have the life we promised each other, but I thank her for the impact she made on my life. I will always cherish it forever. This song is always beautiful, just like her.


i can’t be your love
Look it’s too trivial for you now
Oh my life’s falling apart
Maybe no one will know if I disappear
But I’ll pray for you all the time
If I could be by your side
I’ll give you all my life my seasons

I can’t be your love
Cause I’m afraid I’ll ruin your life
While the leaves withered away
and grew again you have gone far away

I’ll be pushing up daisies
and bring all the chances to here
But I’ll pray for you all the time
If I could be by your side
I’ll give you all my life my seasons
By your side I’ll be your life seasons
My love


it’s like when we wished to give all our best just to win someone’s heart. but you realized that they were too good for you, you were too heavy, too much for them to carry. so, you just wished that you could be with them and not just admire them from afar. you would give your life, your seasons, just to be by their side.


"But I’ll pray for you all the time if l could be by your side l'll give you all my life my seasons"


This song sounds really bittersweet. I can't help but think of how good my life has been so far but also how worried I am for my future...


This song feels like you can show that certain someone your vulnerable side, your weakest and worst. And you know that they'll always be there. You know that they'll never use it against you. Thinking "How have I been alive without them all this time?" tearing all the walls you worked so hard to build up by yourself, just by loving them. You hate that feeling don't you, but you just can't help but love them. Life sucks a little less with them, although you know you can't bear to see them suffer because of you, so you just let that burden consume you, by yourself..slowly drifting away from them.


Leaving this comment so when someone like this I'll listen again


He's so such a talented musician and seeing him live is an enjoyable experience too.


I hope in another universe or in the distant future I’ll be spending all my seasons with that special someone


I'll be leaving a comment so that everytime someone likes this, it's a reminder to listen to this song again.


"Seasons" is a song that my ex-girlfriend, whom I love very deeply, introduced me to. The song witnesses the process of us falling in love and the time of separation. She must have cried a lot and was very tired because of me and herself. She was depressed, I wanted her to get better with all my heart, but things got worse when the time came that I couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to let this relationship stop. It seemed like she understood, afraid that I would be negative towards her, so she chose to say goodbye and we actually ended. I love her and she loves me too, but the reason they broke up was because they weren't compatible. It was a beautiful relationship and I learned a lot from her. I will always miss her, the person I love, Nân .


i have never been mutually in love, but i do feel like if someone happened to love me, i would dedicate this song for them just because how i would feel they deserve better


i've been playing this for months, and i do tear up every time this song plays in my phone. sums up everything i feel for someone. we had the most perfect setup and i truly love him, but i can't pursue him because im literally in shambles—that if i drag him into it, he’ll become one too. and im most certain that im going to ruin his life if he'll become part of it. even though i know i can give him everything, i also know i've hurt a lot of people in the past (to the point of no return), and i just.. don't want to hurt him too. so if one day he gets to find someone that will make him happy, then i'll be the happiest for him.

all the best for u, c. i’ll always love u -- in the back. :)


This was the first song I found of Wave to Earth and I intantly fell in love with their music and every thing about them.
