The Devastating Downfall of VenturianTale

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VenturianTale - 4 siblings (Jordan Frye, Isaac Frye, Cierra Frye & Bethany Frye) with basic content creation knowledge begin a YouTube channel, only to find life changing success shortly after its inception. Only 4 months after creating the channel, they were receiving 20 million views per month, 2 months after that, they were receiving 60 million views per month, then 1.5 years later, they were receiving 80 million views per month. While at their peak, a drop in viewership wouldn't have been predicted by even the most pessimistic of fans. However, after hitting their peak of 80 million views in February 2015, the channel would go into freefall, losing viewership for 5 years straight, ending up as a dead channel, with an inability to crack 2 million views per month in recent times. What could have possibly gone wrong? Was the downfall of VenturianTale owed to a loss in confidence? A refusal to make any changes to their content over their entire journey on YouTube? Or was it simply the fact that as each sibling got older, they had to move on from YouTube to accommodate for the realities of life?
This is, The Devastating Downfall of VenturianTale.
Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, Sunny XO ❤
This is, The Devastating Downfall of VenturianTale.
Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, Sunny XO ❤