Lithium-ion outperformed. Again!

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Lithium-ion remains the battery energy storage technology that all newcomers need to beat if they want to get a share of the market. More of more of them are looking like doing just that, including an alternative chemistry using one of the Earth's most abundant substances. So can this one disrupt lithium-ion's dominance?

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The big takeaway for me is just the sheer amount of money and intensity battery development is getting now. It's impossible to predict what the next commercial chemistry will be, but as long as we're improving that's all that matters. (to be commercially viable, a battery chemistry needs to check a lot more boxes than just being more energy dense than current batteries!)


You're the only channel I watch for this sort of stuff. You're much more realistic in your videos so I feel like I am actually getting more informed instead of getting dumber by watching.


Thanks, Dave. You're doing a tremendous job of condensing this info for the general public


5 years ago, the then head of Siemens eAircraft told me after a presentation at my university that he expects major breakthroughs in the battery space within the first half of this decade just based on the sheer amounts of money and talent being thrown at the problem. It would appear he was right and we are finally seeing something tangible leave the labs for the first time since Goodenough. Sounds good enough for me.


Fantastic stuff! I hate the hit and run approach that a lot of YouTubers take. You circling back is exactly why you are a step above the rest in my book.


Great video Dave, I always appreciate the way you talk calmly and generally present the positive and negative aspects of an emerging technology, not trying to overhype it for clicks. Let’s hope this pans out as we need every possible chance to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, and preferably also vastly reduce our mining of rare earths.


I learn so much from Just Have a Think. (OK, sometimes I learn that I understand better, but still don't understand much. You can only expect so much from someone who majored in economics.) Of all the geek-focused channels that I regularly watch, including many other excellent ones, this has become my favorite. Aside from the engineering information, I often (mostly) leave with a more optimistic view of the future.


Who remembers the 1st red LED? That has led, over 50 years, to every house lit by the white LED. These things take time but always worth it in the end. Transport sure looks like the next big change with these advancements. Thanks for the update Dave.


Typo in description. More of more.

Keep up the great work!


I remember doing my college degree senior seminar in Chemistry on Graphene inclusion compounds back in 1978. Amazing how far the technology has come since then.


Thank you for going over the issues with some of the previous battery breakthroughs that you mentioned in your previous videos. This was informative and grounded as always.


Thank you for another wonderful video! And thank you for returning to the subject of Lithium Sulphur batteries. I love it when you come back to the technologies you talked about earlier to see what progress has been made.

Lyten's battery sure does sound impressive. I hope they can "get a wiggle on" as you said, and start turning out batteries that can be used in the real world as soon as possible.


yeah when you hear about a potential battery technology with an impressive technical specification, you really need to ask what the rest of its specs are


What a fabulous channel.. May you please continue to provide such excellent information.


You truly do the best reporting on this YouTube space of emerging green technologies. Very grounded, researched and cautious about any statement.
Thank you.


Would be nice if cities used better insulation to reduce energy demand and line the sides of roads with native plants and trees to reduce flooding heat wind pollution and co2 as well as reduce energy demand in buildings as well.


Dave, it's not the size of your brain that determines whether you can understand something or not, it's your willingness to try to get a grasp on some of the concepts that matters. Too many think, "Science or maths? Won't be able to understand that!" So they don't try and thus never understand it. You don't shy away from tacking difficult concepts and presenting them at an understandable level. Thank you!


Please keep these vids coming, they help me so much to not getting "my brain melted" trying to keep up with technical progress and economical implications . . .
just the next door layman


You're opening minute comments are spot on I did nothing but nod my head
Can't wait to watch the rest of this video now


Thanks for coming back to topics to check on their progress. It helps sort the good ideas from the bad.
