5 Things High Value Men Never Do | Women Hate This | Hindi

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🙅🚫 5 Things High-Value Men Never Do 🚫 🙅
I see many guys obsessing over the fact of being a high-value man.
But there are certain things, certain traits that differentiate a high-value man.
There are things that most men do, but a high-value man would never do those.
Today, I'm talking about five things that a High-Value Man would never do.
1. Supplicate -
Some men start falling in the supplication bracket, where they do things with the expectation of getting something in return.
From their point of view, they are doing that to be 'nice, but it is quite manipulative.
They won't necessarily do those things if they don't expect something in return.
So if you have a habit of buying expensive gifts, flowers for a girl you just met, thinking that she will be impressed by that, then stop doing that.
However, feel free to do things from a positive space, where there is no agenda. This is what High-Value Man would do.
2. Being Needy & Desperate -
Another behavior that some men tend to have is being needy and desperate. I've talked about this so many times.
If you're needy, then it is a massive red flag in the girl's eyes, and it just kills the attraction.
Also, start respecting her boundaries. Don't call someone out of the blue, intruding on their personal space.
High-value men are focused on their lives and respect other people's boundaries.
3. Having No Purpose
High-Value Men are the ones who take charge of their life. They have a proactive approach to life where they focus on what they want to achieve.
If you want to be a High-Value Man, someone people look up to; you need to start taking a proactive approach, have a purpose, and go after what you want.
4. Being Vulnerable Right From The Start
Being vulnerable is something everyone seems to encourage.
But the thing is if you just met someone and you start bringing up your emotional issues,
At the very beginning, then the other person will feel uncomfortable.
Once you establish a connection, you can start embracing and talking about these things.
5. Making Her Your No.1 Priority
Finally, the girl he's with will be a top priority for a high-value man but will never be his no. 1 priority.
Your life cannot revolve around a single person.
A high-value man is focused on his purpose, he's centered by it, and that purpose is always his No.#1 Priority.
In the video, I share a story to drive this point home.
I hope this video gives a clear understanding of what a high-value man does differently.
And if you have a habit of doing something I talked about on this video,
Then it is high time you start moving away from that past behavior.
Talk to you soon.
Kshitij 💖
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I started this channel and my coaching to help shy men overcome their inhibitions to be able to talk to women and have meaningful consensual relationships.
Consent is very important, and if the person in front of you does not feel comfortable, and expresses the same either by actions, words, or gestures, you should immediately back off and leave the conversation.