The Ampeg B 15 Bass Amp: A Short History

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Years ago, when I thought I needed "one of everything" I built myself a single channel B-15 clone that Dan Lurie from FYD Amps designed for me. In the end I built three of them actually and the prototype went to Rick Beato's studio...and never came back. So this Short History has long been on my list to make. Bass content is never big out of the gate but this is a great and important amp so I hope you enjoy it.
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Years ago, when I thought I needed "one of everything" I built myself a single channel B-15 clone that Dan Lurie from FYD Amps designed for me. In the end I built three of them actually and the prototype went to Rick Beato's studio...and never came back. So this Short History has long been on my list to make. Bass content is never big out of the gate but this is a great and important amp so I hope you enjoy it.
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