Easy Onset & Light Contact to Help Reduce Stuttering

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Today's video is all about helping reduce episodes of stuttering. I am going to show you two therapy techniques that can help reduce stuttering frequency within everyday speech. The two techniques are called Easy Onset and Light Contact. I hope that you find this video beneficial, and enjoy!

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About me:
I am a Speech-Language Pathologist with my Master's degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders, but first and foremost I am a wife to my amazing hubs, and a mother to our two wonderful children! Here on my channel, I post helpful tips and facts for you as it pertains to speech therapy, as well as all things motherhood and lifestyle!

** Please keep in mind that while I hope my videos are of help to you and your family, I am not able to assess and treat each of you or your children individually. Therefore, if you feel you have an ongoing concern, seek out the help of a Speech-Language Pathologist near you.
Рекомендации по теме

The blooper reel at the end was great and so encouraging!


I have stuttered all my life, but I have noticed that what I eat plays a big role. While fasting to lose weight, I would sometimes eat only a raw egg in the morning, and my stutter petty much disappeared. In fact I could talk just as quickly and accurately as anyone. I also had the same effect by having only a bowl of some kind of simple Korean soup that just had a little seaweed and spring onion I think.


Thank you for this video. I'm autistic with a stutter and I will be trying these techniques. My speech therapist had suggested them before Covid, so I'd forgotten them. Thank you for the reminder.


Very educational.
Including the blooper reel at the end was brilliant.


Thanks for this. I'm a SLPA and although we learned about this, unfortunately I don't often get the experience to target this until now where out of the blue I get stuttering patients.


And not caring about others outlook for us is important..Hare krishna ❤️


Thank you for sharing me a video and I appreciate it too. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME EVERYDAY


I have a intermittent stutter in adults.
I'm 44 years-old middle-aged man from Atlanta Georgia. I went to Atlanta Public Schools system and graduated from high school in 1997 almost 26 years ago.. I have a speech problem since I was 7 years-old. I doing great today . I start talking faster sometimes and I slow down and start over.


Tttthanks for your video, very much :)


Hi, I really appreciate this informative video! Is there any place I could message you about a potential interview? Please let me know, I would appreciate your time very much, thanks!


I am Thanushan from Srilanka. I have suffering from stammering problem please help me


I stutter really bad when I try to talk. I am 37 years old. And I am A Male. And I am on the Autism spectrum I have PDD-NOS.