Junk Science Episode 6: Gluten Intolerance

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Gluten may seem like just about the unhealthiest thing you can eat these days, but the science unless you have celiac disease, gluten is a-okay.

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My relative had to stop eating gluten because of blinding headaches she'd get whenever she consumed it. Ironically, this recent gluten craze has made it easier for her to eat out as every other restaurant now has a gluten free menu.


First of all before this bearded wanderer, who was probably not born at a time, when I was involved with consulting farmers on organic farming, at that time the public was not even discussing or concerned with, with partners we proved that farming organically produced 60 to 300% more yield, and we advised agricultural departments that chemicals will only alter food structure damaging humans health, by the way organic doesn't only mean manure.. (just common sense to often humans don't apply to) ... is not only celiac diseases that applies, Mr. wanderer another fact that you didn't mention, is that during the 60's+ gluten volume was 10%, now it's nearly 50%..thanks to mankind intellectual scientist and especially corrupt gov officials ....when will the humans go back to common sense.. as Einstein quoted "keep it simple not any simplier"


You can be dismissive all you want, but for me grains are not good. I mean any grains, corn, wheat, rice, barley. I had a lifetime of skin issues, asthma symptoms and gastronomical issues. When I avoid all grains, the symptoms subside greatly. I have kept a food and symptom diary. There is a direct correlation. People that don't have the issues love to be dismissive. Sorry that you are so limited in your views of the world.


I've long held the belief that the VAST majority of those claiming to be "gluten-intolerant" aren't, and don't even know what gluten is or how it effects their bodies.  

However, I do follow a fairly comprehensive Paleo diet.  (No, I do not follow "fad" diets like their a religion, I simply go with a tried and true practice of testing and evaluating what works for me).  I am not gluten intolerant, but I am lactose intolerant; made so by an over indulgence in dairy as a source of calories and protein while going through an early bulking stage in my bodybuilding career.  The principles of the Paleo diet seem sound to me, I've applied them to my own diet, and I've liked the results.


It's not the gluten it's the glyphosate (round up) used on GMO's and to dry the wheat right after it is harvested.  Farmers will tell you the devastating effects of GMO grain on animals.  That includes corn.


It's bad for everyone, per the science.
