Spike Tech Aerospike RP-001 Test Flight 1

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On August 21, 2034, Spike Tech conducted the first flight of an aerospike engine ever. The engine, AE-V018, fired up for about 51 seconds, conducting a hover and a successful landing of the vehicle. Further inspection is currently underway, but initial inspections on the pad have confirmed that the engine is able to be reused in the sub orbital test slated in 2 days time.

UPDATE: After RP-001's test flight, the engine was deemed too damaged to be reused. Whilst building a second one, Spike Tech collapsed. However, a new company has now risen from Spike Tech's "ashes," and is completely active and working on a new rocket. Also, intel has suggested that dates were incorrect, and that footage is set in late 2020, instead of over 13 years in the future. Investigations are underway to find out how this inaccuracy was created and spread.
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being a former contributor to the kerbal space agency "force space agency" .Brazil
I have some questions I would like to ask.
1-what temperature and pressure did the engine reach?
2-for what type of operation can this engine be performed?
3-Have you done some calculations to know if the engine runs on eve? if yes what is the performance?
4-last question, what is the space exploration program that will require the satisfactory use of this engine?

I'm getting to know your channel and it was my luck to know it. I didn't want to miss it.
