Fuchs Silkolene Pro 4 10W50 XP Engine Oil Test 100°C Piotr Tester

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Round 4
Temperature: 100°C (oil is heated to 100°C)
Fuchs Silkolene Pro 4 10W50 XP

What does the test show?
The more weights you manage to put on the machine until it stops, the stronger the oil film tested will be. The test examines the oil film's resistance to tearing.
The sample is measured with a micrometer - the lower the result with a given load (the gouge in the sample is smaller), the oil will give better protection to the engine.
The table will give the result of the gouge of the sample, the number of weights put on the machine, the temperature when the machine is stopped.
#fuchs #silkolene #10w50

Summary Peter Tester - all tables with results:

How to access the Round 4 table?
Рекомендации по теме

Tested Unil Opal 5W-40 Titanium+ 4T sir .


Test with fuchs silkolene 10w60 xp please



Quelle huile me conseilleriez vous pour Yamaha R1 2020 avec préparation moteur 210ch. La moto roule uniquement sur circuit. Actuellement en motul 300v 10w40 avec vidange tous les 400km... Merci pour ce que tu fais. J'aimerais que tu fasses un test sur la technologie A9 comment faire ?


Jeżdżę na tym w motocyklu ale widzę że Qualitium moto 4t lepszy, więc chyba będzie zmiana
