Can You Name Ten Books?

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She can’t count to ten, that is the main problem as far as I’m concerned


Man, I'm an Afrikaner, glad I grew up in South Africa. I can handle 3rd world problems. I've been to some wild places, seen some of the most beautiful places and seen some if the cruelest of scenarios . But to see 1st world countries/ the west imploding on itself is insane watching from the outside its surreal. What is happening to western society.


I still read. Actual books. I love reading & always will!❤


Ben is gonna become more famous as a rapper than for his intellect and i cant wait


Idiocracy was meant to be a satire movie, not a prophecy :(


My daughters are 35 and 31 and not only have they always read books ... They insist on owning the physical book. We read to them every day until they started reading on their own and then we'd have them read to us. Both could read by the time they were in kindergarten at four and a half. I lived in a rural town with no neighbors and was fortunate to have hundreds of books in my house ... Nobody remembers when I learned to read. I was told "it seems I just always read"


I can!! The Time Machine-H.G.Wells
Great Expectations-Charles Dickens
Of Mice and Men-John Steinbeck
Tarzan-Egar Rice Burroughs
Something Wicked This Way Comes-Ray Bradbury
The Complete Collection of Edgar Allen Poe-Edgar Allen Poe
Huckleberry Finn-Mark Twain
Tom Sawyer-Mark Twain
The Iliad-Homer
The Poetry of Robert Frost-Robert Frost
War and Peace-Tolstoy
Lost count, and yes, I read them ALL plus so very many more. Thank you to Mr. Stan Lee for the comic books in the early 60's that I taught myself to read on!


Wow, I had no idea. I've read books since I was a little girl. I'm 75 now & read a book every 2-3 days. Of course it helps that I have a library app.😍


My homeschool kids are probably in the single digit percentages of top readers of the country. 😬


Ben's facial expressions always make me laugh. His reaction videos are really great.


Truth. I’m 58 years old and I was always reading. (At least before I went to bed). I had a stroke 3 years ago and find it very difficult to read the pages and can’t focus my eyes. I miss reading and no one understands how I miss it.


Not only people don't read, they also don't think.
In the past, people in the subway cars, were: reading, talking to each other, contemplating/thinking. Now, everyone has his nose into his phone.


I read 165 books year before last! And yes I love books! The Bible is my favorite which I read every day! God bless!


Working with a publishing company, I couldn't say folks are reading, but at least books are still be sold at a steady rate.


The thing is, the guy who said "name 10 books" was wrong. Knowing the name of 10 books is not an indicator that you know how to read


I believe Ben at this point over even the American Library Assn. Ive seen several articles lately claiming Gen Z and Gen Alpha are bringing libraries back. As a library director, i can tell you the 15 to 25 age range is nearly non existant. Which is surprising considering this is the agerange complaining about cost of living, no help, expensive food etc. We offer everything from books/ebook/audiobooks and movies to free wifi, to job coaching to a food pantry. We even have a coffee bar thats free/donation. When we poll, this demographic would rather drive to the nearest larger city, pay for starbucks and pretend (yes that word was used multiple times) to read in order to meet up with people. It genuinely makes me sad.


I read all the time. Being disabled I have been reading novels about love, but I read. The only thing I have had problems with is that most books have now gone to needing to be read on a computer or something and it is just isn’t the same as holding an actual book in your hands and feeling the pages and books have a scent to them as well.


She could have honestly just tried naming movies or sci-fi movies, children movies …. Just movies.
Lord of the rings
Chronicles of narnia
Jurassic park
Charlie and the chocolate factory
The cat in the hat
The great gatsby
Little women


I read everyday. I read classics, history, the Bible, my Prayer Book ( Liturgy of the Hours), everyday, and I read from the book. I love my books, and the library. I have quite a lot of books, including the "Complete Works of Shakespeare, " which I read over and over. I have been reading all my life, and I'm a senior. I love ❤️books!!


Name ten books? Easy.

I’ll start with my own:
1) Case Files of the Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society Vol 1
2) In the Woods: A Fiction Foundry Anthology
3) Arithmophobia: An Anthology of Mathematical Horror (forthcoming)

Since it’s Ben’s channel, I’ll add
4) The Authoritarian Moment

And I’ll finish up with
5) The Bible
6) Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky)
7) Pet Sematary (King)
8) The Canterbury Tales (Chaucer)
9) A Tale of Two Cities (Dickens)
10) Pride and Prejudice (Austen)

I can’t even imagine what to think about someone who can’t do that.
