Trump Goes Completely Off The Rails In Unhinged Truth Social Rant

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Donald Trump had one of his most unhinged tirades ever on Truth Social this week, ranting about everything from immigrants to the so-called violent rhetoric of the Left. The man is becoming increasingly unstable as his world crashes down around him, and we can expect things to get much worse coming from him in the near future. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

So Donald Trump seems to be a little bit on edge this week, and to be honest, can't blame him right after what happened on Sunday, even though it was handled before it ever really became an issue. But nevertheless, Trump is on edge and when he gets on edge, he gets angry. And when he gets angry, he completely loses his mind, which is what happened on Truth Social this week when Donald Trump put out this absolutely deranged post. The rhetoric lies ex as exemplified by the false statements made by comrade Kamala Harris during the rigged and highly partisan a b, C debate and all of the ridiculous lawsuits specifically designed to inflict damage on Joe's then Kamala's political opponent, me have taken politics in our country to a whole new level of hatred, abuse, and distrust because of the communist left rhetoric. The bullets are flying and it will only get worse. Allowing millions of people from places unknown to invade and take over our country is an unpardonable sin. Our borders must be closed and the terrorist criminals and mentally insane, immediately removed from American cities and towns deported back to their counties of origin.

I, I think he means countries, but we'll continue. We want people to come into our country, but they must love our nation and come in legally and through a system of merit. The world is laughing at us as fools. They're stealing our jobs and our wealth. We could not let them laugh any longer, make America great again. So I love how you start this off by talking about the lies and the hatred and the rhetoric from the Democrats is so bad. And then you immediately go into the hatred, the lies with your horrible rhetoric. Now, let's be crystal clear about what is happening in the United States today. We have an entire town in the state of Ohio that is now living in a constant state of fear. 33 different bomb threats in the span of five days. Why is that? Because of what Donald Trump said during that debate, because of what his running mate, JD Vance has repeatedly said since then, and Trump has also repeatedly said it, his lies and his rhetoric could get people killed. Children in elementary schools have been evacuated because of bomb threats. Children as young as five years old now living in fear, terrified to go to school because of the lies this man has spread.

I don't wanna hear about it. I don't wanna hear about the rhetoric. Oh, the left, they're saying mean things about Trump. Have you ever heard this man? Have you ever heard the words that he says? Have you paid attention to all of the threats that have come against individuals because of the

Words this man says? His attacks on prosecutors and judges and witnesses in the cases against him have led to countless death threats with individuals being arrested. Individuals have been arrested with plots and plans and threats to kill Joe Biden. Those don't get reported though, do they? Like you're not seeing that across the headlines. Media outlets have been targeted. Individuals have been stopped and arrested and prosecuted with plans to go into CNN to kill everybody because Donald Trump called them the enemy of the people. And here he is still learning nothing, accusing everybody else of doing what he has been doing for a decade now. Completely oblivious to any sense of irony.
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When you create a cult, be prepared for cult-like behavior.


I hear what Trump say before. I am black . I know Trump History. I will never vote for Trump


Convicted felons say the darndest things.


It’s comical how he says he won a “rigged” debate. If he won then why is he complaining about it being rigged? Does he mean it was rigged in his favor? Does he ever stop saying stupid shit 😂😂😂😂


He should be gone, not fit for cleaning golden toilets.


Am I the only one that’s noticed that this is the second time someone has attempted to kill that man, and no one seems to care?


The City Manager of Springfield told Vance there was nothing to the unfounded claims on the SAME DAY it was posted. Vance not only didn't take down the post. He boosted it. Now he admits he made it up. If anyone is hurt in Springfield, he should be charged as an accessory.


I want a headline. 45 is now in HANDCUFFS.


When he’s ranting and raving like a lunatic on Troth Social, you know he’s losing badly! 😂


No trump the world is laughing at you and the joke is getting old.


Calling Donald Trump a sociopath is an insult to psychopaths.


Calling Harris "comrade" just makes her sound like my buddy. I'm voting for my buddy Harris.


Merrick Garland is a coward.
trump should already be in jail, but noooo, as in schools, bullies must be cherished.


Don't forget about the Proud Boys and nazis walking the streets.


You can’t blame him? I can. IDGAF about his feelings. He’s a traitor who gets off on taking away our rights. He belongs in prison.


For as much as Trump admires Puttin, him calling some one a communist has absolutely no meaning


This man is so mentally unstable...I don't even know what to say anymore other than Vote Blue, Cancel Trump and his extremists.


Tragic part of this is that person like DJT aftter Jan 6 is still allowed to run for president


How can he rail against the communists and saying Putin is one of his best friends.
Trump is really out of mind.


Track down all those cowards threatening lives...
