Pink Dot 2017: Starting a Conversation

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With the state of the world today, it’s more important than ever to not live in our “bubble”, but to reach out to those who are not like us, in the hope of reaching a better understanding. For we can stand together as one united people, or we can let our differences divide us. The choice, for us, has always been clear.

If you're a Singaporean Citizen or Permanent Resident, please join us on 1st July 2017 at Hong Lim Park.

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I'm quite touch by the malay lady, to a certain extent, i understand she is only trying to follow her religion (Islam, I supposed) and yet I can see there was a sense of love in her when she asked back what Faliqh thought of what she said. She really wanted to understand him.


The part where Faliqh mentioned that he almost committed suicide got me flooded in tears as I too once got through that moment. Till now, life is a struggle for me. Clinical depression still clings onto me. I thought life has no value to me till someone showed me otherwise - the love of my life. Even without my family support, I hope I can move on in life. And some day, I hope more Singaporeans can be more accepting & understanding to their loved ones.


I think building conversations with others, especially with the older generation, can really help bring forward our society. On one hand we cannot blame them since they have been holding on to "traditional" or "conservative" beliefs since young, and that was how they were brought up. But for people who is willing to listen to an alternative perspective, I really respect them. After all, they all come from a good place and they just want the best for their children or for the younger generation.


From another commenter:
If you never have been depressed...if you were never bullied...if you have never suffered low self esteem...if you don't know what it's like to be cerebral and always in your head and sensitive cannot begin to understand what it's like to feel like Faliqh or to know how difficult it is to trust or believe people when they praise or compliment you. It's always easier to believe the negative than to accept the positive. It's a struggle. Mental illness is real. The struggle is real. I congratulate Faliqh for bringing this all to the forefront and wish them the best in their future endeavors! !


it's very sad when Alex said she will not be able to use her CPF on her family just because it's not legal in Singapore.
Tot of love is still unable to conquer the laws really is a sad thing.


if we see that person as gay or know that person.we must try to talk or smile to not look down on them.they are also human like us all that need love.foods.air and everything.we must be thankfull to god that we still alive and see the world.


this is what pinkdot should be about - community-based. It should be seen as a local movement


A very touching video. We should treat everyone with respect and love.


Those who very much devoted yourself religion, let me tell the real truth about religion. Religions are made to discipline oneself and not to judge or educate others. If u truly understand this basic truth, trust me this world gonna be a real heaven. No one will longing for validation and approval like this.


the only crime that Falqh committed is his fucking mustache.


sultan brunei baru saja laksana hukum syariah dan salah satu contoh direjam sampai mati. Ini bukan soal fikiran terbuka ataupon tidak tetapi ini soal hukum agama . Semoga suatu hari Malaysia ikuti hukum syariah . Allah akhbar .


i relate with Faliqh 100%.

went to pinkdot 2018, LOVED it. if anyone out there supports the freedom to love, please be at pinkdot 2019!


This is a really great video, I'm glad to see that communication is being encouraged between people of all backgrounds and viewpoints


people dont change to be gay, they are not a werewolf😂😂😂


faliqh is so good looking and i can see he is a nice person. but what can i say is..i hope one day he will get hidayah from Allah and I hope that he will stay as a muslim and be a man like what the religion teach us. i just pray the best for him. who knows, at the end of the day, he will fall in love to a woman.


Pink dot's videos always make me tear up T.T


Hi, is it possible to open the function of adding subtitle? I want to add Chinese sub and share to our LGBT volunteers in Taiwan :)


I always think...we should LOVE one another equally. Do not judge coz its very hurting. We're adults..we should know where we stand. Spread the love people.


Amazing video - more please. If the world was more open minded and willing to listen, it would be a better place :-)


Hi, if you need interviewers next year, you guys should go to sota. There's a whole LGBTQ+ community there. It's so open and amazing!
