Words of Encouragement When You’re Feeling Down

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Listen to these words of encouragement when you’re feeling down. An inspirational video conversation with Bob Baker. Includes encouraging words, inspiration, encouragement, Bob Baker inspiration, best motivational video, morning motivation, words of motivation

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Written and read by Bob Baker (c) 2021


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I wish i had someone to give me a hug and talk me through a good 8min cry but wrapping myself up in blankets and listening to this is the next best thing 🙈


I like that saying “I go where I am celebrated, not where I am tolerated”. Thanks for the motivation Bob. Bless you.


I don't usually listen to or read things like this. But I was having a really rough time and this helped me ground myself. Thank you.


This made me feel a little better, I'm the one who always looks after everyone around me, i never believed I'd get to the point of needing to hear these words from a video/motivational speaker as I'm quite a positive person... well... this helped this morning 🎉


God choose us because of His loving kindness to us and He is not failing to choose us, but some of us are failing, choosing our own contentment rather than choosing God.


Ok let's encourage me
I certainly need to get encouragement
No one around to support me
Thanks for saying something nice to me


I was having a tough evening after someone close to me said some harsh words. I was keeping it together till now but when i heart the fast half of his talk i broke down. It was the first time i broke down like this, though i was crying i was feeling a sense of happiness from inside. Thank you, thanks so much for making my day a bit brighter


This resonated with me...🥲
Saturday evening, I didn’t have a purpose to leave my bedroom until Monday morning for work


Today was the first day of watching this vedio….it helped me a lot think of my self more valuable….lately I was depressed by everything around .i felt lonely was the only way to survive without being burden to other by saying what’s going on inside my head and self….these comforting words made me think of my self while crying and actually it stopped after listening….thank you so much for the comforting words and positive thoughts of making someone think of themselves positive while drowning in lonely….


Bob ...so much thanks for everything...love you...


Holy shit, I am a full grown man that started bawling as soon as i herd the phrase "I believe in you"
This shit is powerful 👏


Dear Bob,
It's 11.38 pm in Dublin & I only got a chance to listen to u now. Would u believe I started my grief sessions tonight after 9 months waiting but your chat here has really finished my evening just brilliant.
I realized today I'm a snail under a stone as the moment it's just finding my feet again. I really appreciate ur time ur very positive chat and I take it all on board, God bless you sending hugs from 💚🤍🧡


This hit hard, needed it.
Thank you so much Bob Baker, sending you warm hugs from my soul 💜🙏🏾


This is the first video I have listened to on this channel. Such beautiful, encouraging, and inspiring words. Thank you for this. I will be checking out more of your channel. This was just what I needed. May you enjoy a most wonderful day filled with love and laughter ❤


I cannot start my day without your positive affirmations. It has become a way of life for me. Thankyou Bob. You have an amazing gift and a voice that comforts me when I need it most. 😊


This has really helped me and I wish I had found this earlier


Helped tremendously as last few days have been feeling very down due to many changes in life and circumstances recently. Have also recommended this to a friend who is going through stressful times. Blessed be.


im going threw a tough time right now feeling very alone i have know one to talk to thank you very much for this it really made me feel so much better


Gm new to the channel, so far it has been great ! Suffering from anxiety for the last 4 months, physically sick, my husband has been mu great rock, my mother and step mom and dad ... with out them I would have not made it out, please pray for me for this coming wed when I go back to dr to see and figure out Wht is wrong so we can fix it ! Have a blessed day !


You’re just plain awesome! I’m sure Pookie is your encourager as you are hers. Bless you both💕
