5 Things to Give Up to Feel Happy INSTANTLY

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This video will show you 5 things that you MUST give up in order to feel happy INSTANTLY. I'm going to share with you ways to go about it so that you're able to generate that emotion and make that your dominant state of being. Transcript below...

This video will show you five things that you must give up in order to feel happy. Instantly I'm going to share with you ways to go about it so that you're really able to generate that emotion and make that your dominant state of being. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I hope people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you how I feel happy. A majority of the time now when I learned meditation about five or six years ago I would say that that was one of the biggest game changers that happened in my life because in that moment and within two or three days of deciding to do it that's when my life really began to change. I began to observe my thoughts rather than react. Now the things I'm going to share in this video were things that I gave up and when I did it made my general state of being go from about a solid four or five out of ten to about a solid seven out of 10.

Now of course I go I still go through waves. It's not like I'm always blissed out. But the idea is that a lot of letting go of the negative stuff that doesn't serve us is what helps us raise so that we feel better a majority of the time. Now the first thing that we must give up in order to feel happy instantly is attachment to our thoughts that let me say something to you that can be an epiphany and it can absolutely transform your life if you really allow it to and that is that you think thoughts but you are not your thoughts.

Now this for me was a game changer because I realized in that moment that I did not have to constantly react to my environment. I realized that the only thing that is really important is not the circumstances that are happening but it's the way that I respond to the circumstances that are happening that the only thing that really matters is my own state of being regardless of what is happening now. This means that once we become aware that we can think thoughts but we are not our thoughts that we can neutralize our thoughts. We can observe our thoughts. Now let me ask you a question.

In this moment right now what is the next thought that comes into your mind.

You see when we do this when we put the attention on the next stop becomes your mind. Many times we become actually more present to the moment we allow there to be some space within and this is where the power is it's in the alertness it's in that space in between the words. Now knowing that we do not have to be attached to anything that we think gives us the ability to neutralize the meaning as to things that happen. Now the way that you can use this in the analogy I always use just because it's the easiest to understand is imagine you're at a park at a park bench and you're watching people walk by you can observe them walk by. You don't have to label them you can be you just observe them walk by and if you put a label on them and you let go of the label. And the idea is that in the same way we can do the same thing to our thoughts. We

can allow our thoughts to be there. We don't have to chase them just like if someone's walking by at the park we don't have to get up and walk by them and chase them. We can do the same our thoughts just let them be there allow them to be there. The key is in the Allowing not the controlling not the tried to block us off from all the negative energy allow it to be there and it will naturally go away. That was the game changer because when I learned meditation about two or three days into it I was feeling somewhat old but I felt like I was trying to control my mind and I was trying to shield myself from negative thoughts. The game changer was when I let them be there I allow them to be there. And then what happened is eventually the negative thoughts subsided and then eventually they went away.

The second thing that we must let go of in order to feel happy instantly is letting go of blaming others. Now understand that when we blame others what we do is we automatically give our power away. We say that our happiness is dependent upon what you are doing or what you had done in the past. Now the key to let go of blaming others is to forgive. We can forgive ourselves and we can also forgive the other people. You know I went through a lot...

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This video is about 5 Things to Give Up to Feel Happy INSTANTLY
Рекомендации по теме

I finally made my Top Recommended Book list! 2 of these books are under 50 pages and a couple can be found for free online. I added them in the description box! Much love!


1.attachment to thought.
2.Letting go blaming others.
3.attachment to past memory.
4.negative self-talk and complaint.
5.negative self image n


Bro you kinda changed my life but I’m still getting to it


I love everyone!!! PEACE & LOVE
Life is so beautiful when you spread love


I'm going through a tough phase in my life. Honestly, your videos have helped my consciousness tremendously. Thank you. You are doing really great work.


I am going through very difficult times now and your videos really thought me how to shift my focus and get the positive vibrations back


I absolutely love your videos! You always give me a big positive energy boost!


Thank you so so much! Now I understand that I have to forgive the two persons in my past who treated me so badly. And the number 3 "put your awareness into your hands" ... so powerful that I will use it for sure!
Sending happy thoughts all the way from Sweden to you Aaron! :-D


It's really great and brave that you're sharing your own hardhsips and personal experiences! Thank you! ✨


You are not your tots.
I choose my State of being.
Let go of attachment to tots
Let go of blaming others, past memories
Let go of negative n complaints
Focus on succ, who u want to be
Let go of neg self img and bel


Great story about your stepmom Aaron. It was a huge challenge for you, It is easy to forgive someone when it's not so personal. Dealing with this as well as you did, had to have strengthened you immensely and helped you start your spiritual journey. What do you think about this concept Aaron, I call it "acceptance" : Acceptance is a prerequisite to opening up the heart and radiating divine love. It is a process of dropping the barriers to love put in place by the ego. Acceptance at its core, simply means to instill in oneself the awareness that human beings are here in this realm of matter to undergo spiritual evolution. That spiritual evolution is the cosmic mandate of the human condition. Then clearly imperfection is the necessary condition of humanness otherwise there is no impetus to evolve. We accept that human beings are evolving spiritual entities with a divine essence or spark at their core and that they must carry burden of imperfection of imperfection and this cultivates a sense of compassion for that burden. When we drop the barriers to love put in place by ego we begin to experience and radiate divine love more and more. We begin love others as the divine cosmic has loved us. :)


I'm sure if you hadn't had that experience with your stepmother you wouldn't be where you are at. You learned from your pain and that's amazing. New subscriber here! Thanks for all the advice!! :)


My man, I had to leave a comment, just to give you my small support, your videos are truly amazing! Bravo!


You are a force of nature.
Much Love Aaron 😘


Gold Star! Thanks Aaron, you really know how to do this. Do you look back and see how far you've come? Totally amazing! YOU ROCK~


Super enlightening, thank you Aaron :)))


You're doing an amazing thing here, and I'm really happy for you and myself and all others that get good advice from your videos. They have really helped me put my last biggest conflict with the ex-love-of-my-life into perspective (among other big and small things). Thank you Aaron!


Very well articulated video! I really enjoy how much of a positive space and community you’ve created. The dedication you show with the amount of quality videos you put out daily is inspiring and the messages you bring forward are getting even sharper and crispGreat work!


I really like how you brought your own experiences in this video, been enjoying your content a lot lately, thank you!


Thankyou so much Aaron for this amazing video
