The Now Sad Legacy Of Ravi Zacharias

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The Lord's prayer, as it's referred to today is a result of the Messiah's followers asking how they should pray. Notice that part of that prayer example He gives them is to ask to not be led into temptation. Take note.

#RaviScandal #Ravi-Zacharias #RZIMScandal
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When I recommend your channel, I just say “He is a wise man who left the city, homesteads on a mountain, doesn’t try to sell you something and speaks and teaches the truth about Torah “. You haven’t changed much and that is why I keep recommending you!! Shalom from KALKASKA MICHIGAN


There are many “Torah teachers” with huge ministries that are succumbing to sin... and it’s humbling to think that if it could happen to THEM, I need to stay focused on overcoming my own sin.


Love this!! My late husband and I did the same thing. I knew his info and he knew mine. We had a good godly marriage. Today actually marks the date, twelve years ago, when I was notified of his passing. He was in the military.

I often pray for you. I know you most ardently miss Jamie. May God give you all the good things you need at the time you need them.


This whole thing breaks my heart. I pray that anyone who came into a relationship with our savior because of Ravi's ministry don't fall away because of this.


Good reminder to be alert and sober minded ... my husband and I used to be in ministry... now we’re happy to be nobodies.


Amen, Zach! Well said! May we and Yah keep us humbled.


Those videos led me to repentance which led me to Torah. Be blessed.


This was devastating news. But “nothing is hidden that shall not be revealed” - also I like what you said about being “afraid of heights“… Makes sense. Thanks brother!


My father has a saying, I live by it, "if you can not tell everyone what you are doing, then you ought not be doing it". There is a lot we dont talk about in normal conversation, every day things, washings, restroom activities etc, it is just not polite conversation.But I have made it a life principle everything I do COULD be talked about openly among anybody, it is just that some things dont need to be, but everything could be. It is an open book policy. I have made mistakes but they are not hidden.




Amen to this message Zach! Praise God! I've seen far too many follow up to this incident with Ravi about how vile and detestable he is with the information that has been brought to the light. Simply put, if The Father shined a light into ANY of our lives, we'd all be utterly humbled and humiliated with ourselves. Rather than knock him, let us fear God and continue to keep His ways!


"Don't you ever think you are so high that Satan can't touch you. Men, Satan has the right woman, the right money, and the right set of circumstances for your fall. Your strength is humility and the blood of Jesus!"... Loran Livingston, a message I heard a few years ago that has apparently left a lasting impression.


Definitely going to listen to those audio files you mentioned. Been praying for clarity. Thankful the Father has used you to work here in my heart once again.


I'm glad Zach mentioned accountability. We all need to be accountable to someone, in addition to the Lord. The lone sheep will wind up in trouble. There's a reason we're told to confess our sins one to another and pray for one another. Guard your heart, and keep yourselves away from situations that will lead you into trouble. We need to be aware of our weaknesses. Shalom!


This is why we trust in Yahweh 100%. Man, not so much. Be wise as a serpent, gentle as a dove.


Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. May the God of our salvation lead him out.


Great video! My husband and share everything. We don’t feel the need to hide things. We support each other and read scripture to each other.


May the Father comfort and provide for the women who are victims and those hurting because of Ravi's and RZIM's sins. As an aside, stay safe and warm with this winter storm!


I was on a prayer ministry for many years. Of course when we prayed for people we wanted them to be healed. Problem is when they get healed they thanked me. I didnt want thanks, I didnt heal you. It was very difficult being on the team and remain humble when people put you up when God heals them. It was a constant battle of pride. It was rewarding to serve God and I am very happy He used me in that gifting. I never wanted a title of anything except friend.


Zach, I'm thankful that you are so level headed about the reality of how we all are failures on an equal level. We often forget that on the night of Yeshua's arrest, Peter was so passionate of his lord that he was willing to kill for Him. Yet less than 6 hours later, he denied evening knowing who He was on three separate occasions. As people, we put sin on a scale so we don't look as guilty as the ones we are condemning. Ravi made a statement that I, as a 31 year old man who had truly and divinely just met Yeshua, have never forgotten to this day... He said "Jesus did not come to make bad men good, but to make dead men live." We must remember that sin is not an action, sin is a condition. A condition that we are all born with and will deal with until we are reunited with the mashiach. Shalom
