Steve Keen on neoclassical, austrian and marxist economics.

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Steve Keen on neoclasical, austrian and marxist economics.

Dr. Steve Keen is Professor of Economics, Politics and History at Kingston University, London.
He was one of the handful of economists to realize that a serious economic crisis was imminent, and to publicly warn of it.

(Professor Steve Keen Interview - The Future of Money interview)
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Economic theory and policy doesn't need a tweeked liberal or conservative orthodoxy it requires an intelligent and forward looking financial and monetary paradigm change that would include the harmless integration of price deflation into profit making systems. You should ask Steve Keen If Primitive Societies Began As Gifting Societies in order to stabilize them…why not integrate monetary Gifting for both the individual and enterprise, into the credit/debt system….and in exchange for that Gifting their agreement not to de-stabilize such a rational and ethical system?

That way you’re continually discouraging irrational, anti-social and unethical behavior and continually enabling and encouraging freedom, prosperity and graciousness for all in the economic system….which we of necessity have to interact with continually throughout the day and our entire lives.

That kind of continually positive experience could help self actualize graciousness and raise both the rationality and sense of ethics of the entire species.

Ah, graciousness. The all too unconscious concept and experience behind all worthwhile human progress and every paradigm change as well.

Wisdomics-Gracenomics, the New Integrative Economic Theory For a Prosperous, Rational and Ethical Future
