[Top] 5 Big Differences Between INFJ-A and INFJ-T | INFJ-A vs INFJ-T

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In today's video, I discuss the top 5 big differences between INFJ-A and INFJ-T. The prominent traits of each MBTI personality determine a person's preferences, interactions with their surroundings, strengths, and limitations. Introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judgment are the preferences of the INFJ personality type, which makes them the world's most empathic, idealistic, and humanistic personality type.

These distinctions, though modest, can assist INFJs to gain a better understanding of their behavior and make better decisions depending on their personality types subgroup.




0:00 Intro
0:37 INFJ Viewpoint
1:42 INFJ-A vs INFJ-T Optimism
2:54 INFJ-A vs INFJ-T Self-Assurance
4:05 INFJ-A vs INFJ-T Regret
5:13 INFJ-A vs INFJ-T Perfectionism
6:24 INFJ-A vs INFJ-T Stress
7:35 INFJ-A vs INFJ-T Biggest Difference

Success For Breakfast was created to be a channel that makes simple-to-follow videos giving you the tools to live your best life and help in your personal growth journey. There are a lot of little pieces that add up to the bigger “whole” picture of what you envision for your best life and what success looks like for you - so I am creating videos hitting on all of those subjects. From financial tips, relationships, and happiness to psychological tips, personal development, and even productivity advice. Brain food to give you the best possible chance to level up and love your life in all areas.

We all know that a strong mindset and good mental health is the key to success, and to take control of your life, but there are many different ways to get there. It is not just motivation and affirmations, although those are important. For me, it was also about psychology, understanding myself, and knowing why I did things a certain way. It was also about meditating and learning about manifesting and the law of attraction, and of course how to be and stay motivated.

I hope you enjoy my channel and the videos but more importantly, find things that you can take action on and level up your life!

-Success 4 Breakfast


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DISCLAIMER - This video is for educational purposes and is based on personal opinions. This video is not a substitute for professional advice, but for general guidance. Please do not take this feedback as an attack on your character. This video was meant to be a self-improvement guide for those of you who have been feeling a little stuck. We advise you to always listen to your intuition and always do what is right for you.

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What do you think of these 5 big differences? Leave a comment and let me know.

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I hope you enjoy my channel and the videos but more importantly, find things that you can take action on and level up your life!


For years I was a infj-t, few years ago, after I ad my spiritual awakening working on the 12 steps, meditation and working on my self with Buddhism, I can say that now days I’m a infj-a, my mind now days is more detached from judgment on self and others, a more laidback attitude to life, and massive self acceptance on me and others .


I ALWAYS wanted to get this type of video bro for real for real... Me being an INFJ-A and My Wife being an INFJ-T this was EXACTLY the video I was waiting for so i know how NOT to piss her off (Happy Wife/Happy Life) 5)I'm more Optimistic then her/She ... 4)She stresses alot more than I do and does take things sensitive...3) She does stew on bad choices 2)... I do go with the flow alot more... 1) And absolutely Im more mellow then laid back then My Wife... Thanks for the brain food and Please keep the INFJ content coming... Thank you 👍🏾🙏🏾🤜🏾✌🏾


"turbulent infj's have a greater need for others and are more influenced by what others think of them"
i basically can't get out of bed in the morning since i'm still without a girlfriend and i'm constantly thinking that others are judging me but i feel like if i were to actually witness them judging me i wouldn't give a damn


Been both. I think experience defines character. Experience and rythmn, (aka patterns) tend to define MY confidence. MY rythymn= incorporates all, Vrs. Others is akin to shoehorning everyone else. Love it or leave. Be true.


Soy de el tipo A y es verdad, el estrés nos fastidia y tendemos a olvidar las cosas por más que cargemos con una agenda 😂🤭 tiendo a sentir que como que no puedo respirar si me aprietan mucho, tiendo a sentirme ansiosa. Yo me relajo, dando una vueltita por dónde está el mar ó por donde hay cuerpos de agua al aire libre, como playas, mar, etcétera. Para mí, es relax...


Alright, S4B, I suppose I will go down this wind-y path, if u hold my hand 😘. A while back, I decided I was very content to be a basic INFJ and didn’t need to subset myself. After listening to this, I’m pretty sure that I used to be a T but grew into an A - I will have to test myself to be sure. If it’s like every other aspect of my life, I’m still dragging a little T around with me. 💚💜

(Notice I didn’t thank u this time - bc it could b a can of worms or even a rabbit hole - 😄 u k how overly-analytical we can b - and by now, u may k that I’m totally kidding in all of the spots that I’m not.)


Infja melancholy dominant Sanguine secondary choleric third
Infjt melancholy dominant Sanguine secondary and phlegmatic third
I am more accurately infja and indulge in strong THC to gain some T perception
My natural T is deeper hidden as my phlegmatic is in fourth place
We all have various amounts and of only 4 base temperaments in various order of predominance
So we all possess the potential to experience all faculties
How ever we tend to lean towards our natural comfort zones
Ps that said Intj will perform the surgery instead of your bull in a China shop estj
All the tools in my box are equal in value yet best used for its specific purpose


It’s always good to look into the opposite so you can learn and gain new skills to become better and more balanced.


Interesting, I think I got INFJ-A, but the need of improvement in a different test got me a T … so, I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just don’t like negativity, I like optimism and my dad always said I was too hopeful, I live in a different world of dreams. I enjoy my solitude, sometimes I don’t care what others think of me. I have the ability to feel guilty without regretting my decisions. I do think that perfectionism is a waist of time, but I like things to be done the right way at the right time. Stress can make me physically sick 🤒 🤕
