Using a Correlation Matrix as input with AMOS (Structural Equation Modeling)

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This video describes how to use a correlation or covariance matrix as input in an AMOS model. The video will show you how to format the correlation/covariance matrix in SPSS so that AMOS can read the data. If you are looking for more information about structural equation modeling, see my book titled, Applied Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS. The book covers basic topics of SEM such as confirmatory factor analysis along with path and structural models. It also covers more advanced topics such as moderation, mediation, invariance testing, and many more areas. The book can be purchased at:
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This was a very helpful video. I am working with a dataset of nearly 2 million cases, so a correlation matrix is much easier to use than raw data! I was able to put your video to use and was running models in no time. Thank you!


I am investigating the subject, could facilitate the applied questionnaire or say where article I can consult to strengthen my operationalization. Thank you!


Hi Sir, thank you very much for your video. I have a question: usually, to run a model in Amos, it is required to draw the constructs connected with observed variables (items used to measured that construct), otherwise i coundnt run it because Amos always shows a notification of erros relating to observed variable (when i only use the elip) or unobserved variable (when i only used the rectangle). But here in your video, i can see that you only use the rectangle to indicate the construct (instead of the elip) without any observed variables, and still it works. Could you please explain why and guide me how to do that! Thank you very much!
