The Browning Version I British Drama Film 1951 I Michael Redgrave, Jean Kent, Nigel Patrick

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The Browning Version I British Drama Film 1951 I Michael Redgrave, Jean Kent, Nigel Patrick
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It's never too late. As long as we're alive and mentally intact, there's always time to start over. What a movie! Prepare to have your feelings scraped raw.


Just a perfect film. Nothing like the modern trash full of gutter dialog and zero story.


"The Himmler of the Lower Fifth"


As someone who just began her 36th year of teaching, I found this thought provoking and quite moving. Even more so than the heartwarming but rather sentimental Mr. Chips. Good teaching is equal parts knowledge and passion, and it’s not always easy to maintain the right balance . Likewise the balance between being approachable and friendly while still maintaining good classroom order and discipline. We are not machines. It is a beautiful and rewarding profession but certainly not an easy one. I’m so glad he started to find his lost passion at the end.


A movie I have seen many times over the years but have never tired of watching. The acting excellent Michael Redgrave a brilliant actor along with Jean Kent who plays the part of his wicked wife, a beautiful woman. Lovely to look back at old England, with the hairstyles, costumes and the English language being spoken correctly. I think with the way the world has become we can truthfully say, those were the good old days. Many thanks.


This is the best acting I have seen from Michael Redgrave. Also the boy who showed compassion is a good actor. The story was quite moving and unexpected.


Do you see how the smallest show of kindess matters so very much? Really what i got from this great movie.


A masterpiece .- A story that can still teach us all a lot about ourselves and others .Thank you.


Quick facts…

Director: Anthony Asquith
Awards: Cannes Best Actor Award,  Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Screenplay,  Bodil Award for Best Non-American Film

Adapted from: La version Browning


Andrew Crocker-Harris (Michael Redgrave) has been forced from his position as the classics master at an English public school due to poor health. As he winds up his final term, he discovers not only that his wife, Millie (Jean Kent), has been unfaithful to him with one of his fellow schoolmasters (Nigel Patrick), but that the school's students and faculty have long disdained him. However, an unexpected act of kindness causes Crocker-Harris to re-evaluate his life's work.


Another magnificent Classic British film. Terrific performances by the leads. As an ex Grammar School pupil, I could smell the books, and the overall mustiness of the class rooms. Such was the authenticity.


The British as usual have out done themselves in this raw and honest film. Bravo 👏


Great movie. No dramatic chase scenes or special effects needed.

Exceptional acting from the boy, Teplow. I guess the actor, Brian Smith, was actually 19 when the movie came out.... But still really good portrayal of a student.


This was such a pleasant surprise! 99% of Youtube movies are garbage, failed movies who utterly deserved to fail at the box office and at the jaws of the critics. BUT THIS ONE IS A MASTERPIECE. No ifs, ands or buts about it! I will see it again on my big screen back in the US, and I will also seek to see the 1994 remake with Albert Finney. While I have been to a 'public school' similar to this, and graduated first from it in antiquity, I never thought of the teacher's problems and family life much. Later, after 'glorious studies" (as my peers evaluated them) I became a professor at the U of Michigan and stayed 40 years, and when I retired, it was a much different scene than the one depicted in this movie, but many parallels and opposites between them.


having been an unsuccessful short term teacher i can appreciate the beauty of this movie


Awesome movie. Story, directing, acting, all top notch. I wanted to know more about Brian Smith who played Taplow. He was 19 at the time. I didn't find much on line about him.
I plan on watching other Terence Rattigan movies. What an excellent play write and screen writer.


Wilfred Hyde White has appeared in so many wonderful British movies over the years and I can’t remember one where he was not older than most of his fellow actors, but nonetheless he was a hugely versatile but underrated actor in my opinion, from comedy through the genres playing characters who were always intrinsic to the storyline, without his very English demeanour the story would not have been half as engaging. I just did a quick google for his acting credits and I was very surprised to see that he had 131 credited appearances in films and tv, and by any standards that is a lot of credits, he also had some films that he went uncredited in, and not just at the start of his career, and his last film credit was in 1980 @ the ripe old age of 77, not bad for a man whose life journey encompassed two world wars, Korean and Vietnam wars, just living through the world wars and the deprivation they caused in the world is enough for anyone to handle, bravo W.H.W and thanks for all the wonderful memories that you created for us all to enjoy.


Great story. Absolutely perfect in every way.


Such beautiful acting, my heart has broken for Mr. Crocker-Harris. What a wonderful story !


A seemingly insipid English drama, set in a stultifying public school background with typical schoolmasters of varying capabilities and their wives, faithful and otherwise. A lot of superficial stiff upper lipped tea, cricket and the usual banter. About mid-way through it suddenly becomes something else. Something complex, riveting and very human. To film the main character's pivotal moment from behind was truly daring and successful.
I was impressed.


I was riveted to my seat as I watched this movie. How far the UK and America have fallen. Neither country produces this kind of movie anymore. I saw the beautiful acting, the manners, the cerebral behavior of the students as they listened to Crocker-Harris's farewell speech and I can only think how far everything has fallen. Hollywood for the most part, produces coarse, violent, degenerate garbage. We are now living in the end times of the West. Thank you YouTube for posting this movie.
