[SFM] An interview with Springtrap

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That’s how long I’ve been in this gosh darn suit...

Consider this a sort of filler, don’t worry there will more in future so stay tuned. Hope you enjoy this one in the mean time :)

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Object Class: Safe, Euclid reclassification requested

Special Containment Procedures: is to be contained within a 5x5 meter standard anomalous humanoid containment cell. Two guards are to be stationed outside of the cell at all times and are to be rotated regularly. Due to recent discovery of this SCP, these containment procedures may be subject to change.

Description: is an extremely decrepit springlock suit fashioned and designed to have appearance of a golden rabbit standing on its hind legs. The suit has the ability to move on its own with minor restrictions, due to the age of its components. Additionally, the suit has the ability to speak, claiming to be William Afton, the former owner of Afton Robotics. According to reports, Afton was convicted of killing several young children, but was released from incarceration due to a lack of evidence.
was discovered by Foundation assets within Fazbear’s Fright: a joint horror attraction in downtown [REDACTED], United States. Amnestics were administered to all parties involved and the facility was burnt down under the cover of an electrical malfunction. was then brought to a nearby Secure Facility and contained.

The following is an interview conducted by Junior Researcher Taft with on December 1, 2023.

*[begin log]*

*Taft:* [to observers] Commencing interview.

_Papers shuffling._

*Taft:* Do you know why you’re here?


*Taft:* You claim to be William Afton, a suspected serial killer. Is that true?
*SCP-****:* Is that hard to believe?
*Taft:* Not at all. I’ve dealt with enough weird stuff that talking to...you is less surprising than people would think.

_Silence. SCP-_*_****_*_ leans back in its chair._

*SCP-****:* So, what do you want to know about me?
*Taft:* If you’re who you claim to be, did you really kill those kids?

_SCP-_*_**_*_ seems to contemplate the question_

*SCP-****:* Yeah, I killed those bastards. And I’d do it again, too. [chuckles]
*Taft:* Why would you do such a thing?
*SCP-****:* [ignoring the question] I don’t think you quite appreciate how difficult it is to speak, so you? [chuckles] ‘Cause let me tell you something...it hurts like a [EXPLETIVE REMOVED]

_Taft glances you his right at the one way mirror._

*Taft:* [producing a photo of Afton] Moving on...do you remember how you got to this state? How you came to...”inhabit” that suit? How long have you been in it?
*SCP-****:* I don’t even remember what it was like before...THAT’S how long I’ve been in this God-damned suit...[chuckles and coughs]
*Taft:* Okay, but you’re didn’t answer the question of how your consciousness came to inhabit the suit. Or were you transformed?
*SCP-****:* [ignoring the query] You know, sometimes, the suit still goes off by itse-

_SCP-_*_**_*_ suddenly proceeds to straighten upright and move in a manner akin to an animatronic interacting with children before settling back into its chair again._

*SCP-****:* Speak of the devil...[laughs]

_SCP-_*_****_*_ laughs for several seconds before abruptly lunging at Taft, knocking both to the ground. SCP-_*_****_*_ is successfully restrained by the guards standing watch and is sent back to its containment cell. Taft suffered several blunt-force traumas to his cranium but will otherwise recover._


Springtrap: _suffering and wheezing_

YouTube captions: Ah yes, Music


I love how every time he swears the suits cuts it, almost like it’s still trying to stay family-friendly after all those years


Man, the way William is portraid here is just gold. A pure maniac who doesn't even feel the slightest bit of guilt of all the crimes he has done and will gladly continue satisfying his morbid desire of causing more suffering to anyone near him. But is also in so much pain for so much time that he's desperately trying to keep the very few amount of sanity still left within him.

Now I kinda wonder what is the cause of William being the monster we all know and love (or hate, depending on the people)


Purple guy: *sits in chair literally dead and rotting in a suit*

Therapist: So how did that make you feel?


0:42 I know this is weird but I actually love the detail of the distorted crying and the way his mouth hangs open at the end. It really shows how insane he is and how genuinely helpless he feels, like he’s in constant excruciating agony, which he is.


Spring trap: *going insane and losing his mine and talking while being in mass pain*

Interviewer: 🗿


Springtrap: laughing maniacly
The interviewer: 🗿


In the thumbnail he looks like he about to do a news article

“This just in, I slaughtered a load of children”


This is the best interpretation of Springtrap I've ever seen. A insane killer stuck in a suit with no regrets, eerie laughter, good model, creepy voice, and A eerie atmosphere all over this. Good job j gems.


I adore this portrayal of Springtrap, where he was already demented before he died, but now, maddened by constant pain and suffering, and trapped in said suffering forever, he's gone even more insane, to the point that in some twisted way he almost enjoys in. I love these kinds of killer characters, the emotionless ones are hard to not make dull.


Parents: why don’t you socialize more often

Me: I don’t think you appreciate how difficult it is to speak


0:00 *Guy Slips A Paper Full Of Missing Kids*

Springtrap: *Are You Joking?*


THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING I'VE EVER WATCHED. The interviewer looking away uncomfortably, William being as insane and unpredictable as usual, and the model being amazing! I love it!


I love the addition they added where the suit still sometimes goes off on it's own, would have been so cool for that to happen in the game!


Spring Bonnie: *before quarantine*
Springtrap: *after quarantine*


Springtrap literally uses humor as a coping mechanism hes laughing at his own shit 💀💀


Springtrap: (Choking)

Yotube captions: (Music)


Springtrap: has a mental breakdown
The interviewer: 😐


Him laughing then full out crying and hit his head on the table is sadly relatable.
