The Simple Guide to a Clutter-Free Home

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What are the most important things to know in order to maintain a clutterfree home? Well there are really only four main tricks to know in order to achieve getting your home tidy for good - and no more rushing around to get things clean in time for guests.


Recent videos:

Your Stuff is Only Taking Up Space

Minimalism: An Invitation to a Better Life


Most popular videos:

7 Daily Habits for a Clutter-Free Home: Declutter for Good

Top 10 Things to Declutter Right Now


You can read more tips in my book, The Minimalist Home.

Read hundreds of articles on decluttering and owning less on the Becoming Minimalist blog.

Find Becoming Minimalist on Facebook, and Joshua Becker on Instagram and Twitter


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Deep cleaned my bathroom! That was the start of it all. Now every drawer cannot escape my WRATH OF CLEANLINESS.


Something worth mentioning is Mr. Becker's articulation. Very few people on YouTube are capable of using the English Language cohesively! I am an English teacher in Greece and I use this channel to prepare my students for their English exams!


"The accumulation of physical possessions is not the greatest thing you can do with your life." Absolutely, Joshua!


We keep a cardboard donation box in our home. As we dress each day, if we find any clothes that no longer fits or don't want anymore, we drop it in the box. As I go into cabinets or closets, I add to the box. Once the box is full, I place it immediately in my car to be dropped off at a donation center on my way to run errands. This works best for us. Thanks for your helpful videos.


1. Believe it is possible
2. Remove the excess
3. Implement clutter-free habits
4. Slow the accumulation of things


I bought a new coffee mug that I didn’t need but I fell in love with. So the rule is I have to get rid of an old one now. I ended up getting rid of 2 coffee mugs and 3 small picture frames that I was keeping “just in case”. So a win for me, 1 new item in 5 old items out!!! It feel so good 😊


I had my daughter listen to you when she was practicing for her speech class. You have such a calming voice and a way with your words.


I love that your videos are short and you go straight to the point. Great content, too. Gracias! 🙂


“Just because it’s on sale doesn’t mean I need to bring it home.” I’m committing this sentence to memory.


We downsized when we moved some years ago and I never missed any of the stuff we got rid of EXCEPT my books. I had thought to myself that if I ever wanted to read a certain book again I could just check it out of the library --- not true! I'm in my sixties and many of my favorite titles have simply been thrown away by public libraries and are no longer available, even from WorldCat. And you can't always get it as an ebook either. So now although I have a lot of books on my Kindle I still have my physical bookcase containing my paper-and-ink books. My books are my friends and they are keepers.


I take notice of the difference between "organizing" and "de-cluttering", as they are distinct and separate ideas. If you take many possessions and just organize them well it means you still have "too much stuff" and it becomes exhausting to always be repeating that process. If you "de-clutter" and have less items, it is easy to clean, simple and basic and all things have their beauty, place of position in the home and function. I have been on both sides of the fence (excess) and (minimalist) and I am totally happy with being a minimalist. My time is freed up, I do not need to spend any more on junk that takes up space and it makes cleaning easy and time efficient. In my senior years it has simplified and enriched my life. :-)


Two big bags left the house today. I'm trying to remove one thing per day. It's making a big difference over time. Thank you for sharing.


The great thing about Minimalism is I buy less stuff and I save money !
I aim to buy high quality items and clothes that will last longer.


I want to declutter more because the clutter gets in the way of cleaning and makes it much more of a heavy ordeal to clean even a small room!


All clutter is either the result of a deferred decision eg: "I will probably sell it or maybe donate it at some point " (nothing happens) or an incomplete action eg: you start decluttering but get bored, distressed or lose focus. Do it in small steps, room by room and allow yourself a break after every 10 minute burst of action. Operate by the "do it now" principle and don't eat into your precious time by procrastinating. If it helps imagine someone is imminently going to pay you a visit - it is amazing how much you can get done. Quick note - don't sell, just donate. You'll never get a return on your investment -it's called a 'sunk cost'. Instead, imagine that the money you spent on that book, dress, handbag or DVD was spent on food - which has now been eaten, enjoyed and no longer has a function in your life or home.


I became a minimalist while cleaning houses for American families, I got overwhelmed every time I walked in into those houses filled with stuff. Now I live in Brazil and I’m very happy I’ve become a minimalist❤️


I found you when my son was 1. He's 6 now and I'm still here learning. I've become a minimilist since then which has changed my life completely. Whenever I want to accumulate things I remember your story and stop myself. Thank you for all you do. God bless your family always


This really resonates. I've always had a lot of stuff, in particular clothes, books, shoes, cooking appliances and crockery, accumulated over time, and always thought this was normal. However during the last couple of months stuck at home, surrounded by all this, looking at it everyday, I've realised that most of it I don't even use or need. Decluttering all in one go is very overwhelming, and so have been doing this in small manageable sections. If you put aside say one hour a day or even half an hour it really makes a difference over time. I've got rid of 6 boxes of things I don't need already in the past month.


It’s been a process but now I’m looking at my stuff with a new outlook. I only want to keep things I use daily in my home. It’s so satisfying to be able to do laundry and know that everything fits right away after it’s folded. Realizing that I’ve been keeping my past and not able to live my current stage in my life has helped with the decluttering process. Thank you!


Thanks for the four steps to a clutter-free home. Well said ! Our society's bad, heavy habit of consumerism is reflected in all the donated items to major retail thrift stores that are not sold in 6 weeks sit at the back of the store on pallets to be sold on the commodities market for recycling. Only about 10 percent of donated items are sold while only one percent goes to needy people. The charity donation centers are overwhelmed with our constant consumerism. We all need to lessen our consumerism. Television and radio commercials push our choices of constant buying to have the latest and greatest items.
