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Try Free Excel to Tally Prime import Software - Excel4Tally

In this video you can do import the following items in to Tally at Free

1. Bank Statement Excel to Tally
2. Master | Ledger Excel to Tally
3. Purchase and Sales Excel to Tally
4. Payment and Receipts Excel to Tally
5. Contra and Journal Excel to Tally
6. Debit Note and Credit Note Excel to Tally
7. GST Purchase and Sales for Single Rate and Multiple Rate Excel to Tally
8. Multi Entry for All type of voucher Excel to Tally
9. Auto Payment and Receipts Excel to Tally and many more option.

This video is helpful to accountants and practicing professionals who want a quick preparation of Accounts in Tally and accuracy of data posted in tally.

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Kindly Make use of this video and Share with your professional colleague and friends.


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Excel to Tally Import - Sales Excel to Tally

Excel to Tally Import - Purchase Excel to Tally

Excel to Tally Import - Bank Excel to tally

Excel to Tally Import - Receipt,Payment Excel to tally

Excel to Tally Import - Item Ledger Master Excel to tally

Excel to Tally Import - Amazon, Flipkart, SnapDeal Excel to tally

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