AITA for walking out of a salon when I found out my friends were making fun of me behind my back?

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AITA for walking out of the bridal salon when I found out my friends were making fun of me behind my back?

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Girl 👏👏👏 well done for leaving and not making a scene these girls are vile and not worth your time at all you will find your people hun ❤❤


what some fake ass friends. They don't get to be mad that their private trashing was found out.


Uncovering monsters and having them blame you for getting scared of their monstrosity? Wow.


Shelly and Gabby are just mad because they got caught. These are nasty people and deserved to be dumped as friends.


As someone who was bullied throughout my school years, this one activates my PTSD. HOW she found out is *nothing * compared with them being absolutely cruel nasty pieces of work.


They are fake friends. Dump them! FYI, I love the shirt you’re wearing.


It sounds like you are the friend they keep around to gossip about and make fun of. NTA


Shelly & Gaby, "You're only hurt because you saw the hurtful things we said. Repeatedly."

Is Shelly absolutely:
A.Stupid - stoopid - for handing over her phone?
B. Confident her & Gaby's punching bag wouldn't have the temerity to do anything but what she was told, with the phone?
C. Evil for setting OP up to see the texts?
D. All of the above?


Dealing with people who are mean and directly honest about what they think about you is better than having friends who speak bad about you behind your back.


This hits to close to home dude. I had to drop a 8 year old friendship because I was his punching bag both literally and figuratively. :(


As somebody who is bullied most of my school career, I can say one thing I have noticed as an adult: it says a lot about the person you are when you decide for a bunch of bullies because “their privacy was invaded“. It’s a mean girl thing.


The advice I was told that, it was none of my business what people say behind my back and it actually helped me a lot. But in a case like this where you happen upon it, it makes you upset and I completely understand why she would be upset and honestly they're probably all so toxic, She just needs to get rid of the toxic and get some non-toxic friends.


I can't imagine how bad id feel as a full grown woman to find this out! I have three daughters and i would go full mummy bear if they were treated like this. NTA your so much better off with these arseholes out of your life.❤


I think OP was the AH for going through the extended texts. Once you decide to start snooping the relationship is over. To put it another way, if she'd snooped and found it was a one-off thing, or sarcastic, or anything other than her making fun of OP behind her back... that breach of privacy is not justified.
However that absolute gaslighting and manipulation that is telling OP shes not upset because she's being bullied shes only upset because she chose to find out she was being bullied.


NTA - you're better off without them and she should be happy you didn't make a scene in the shop by letting strangers know what type of person she and your other "friend" really are.


I think they did you a favor this woman gave you her phone and the text popped up. Now she knows they're not her friends and she can move on.


This is an abusive relationship, op just figured out that she is being abused.


They were roommates in college; they stayed in the same city after graduation; the other 2 are closer than OP is to either of them. This behavior on their part didn't start a year ago - this behavior has been ongoing and OP just found out about it recently. The reason they are closer is that they have something in common that OP doesn't have with them: she is their victim and their target. She is conveniently easy to ridicule and insult behind her back and it appears they find no scarcity of reasons to do so. Do I approve of OP looking through her 'friend's' phone once she accidentally opened something she shouldn't have? No, absolutely not. In that, she became them: she was sneaky, nosy, rude, inappropriate and it resulted in her being gobsmacked and hurt that two people she had long considered loving friends would treat her that way. I also do not believe these communications between the other two were innocent teasing - innocent teasing is done face-to-face and doesn't hurt the heart; innocent teasing is done in person and goes back/forth while those involved are smiling and having fun teasing one another. OP sounds like a sweet, king, giving, caring, considerate, loyal friend to two people who are definitely not worthy of her. To maintain respect for the bridal shop and to ask politely that the phone be given to the bride-to-be by a bridal shop attendant because OP had to leave was dignified and graceful. I think she owes the bride-to-be an apology, if not already given, for snooping through her phone further than the accidental opening of the app. Once the apology is given, end the friendship with these two bullies without a discussion. Just stop. They know OP saw the conversations because she mentioned it to the bride-to-be who told the other friend because the other friend contacted her upset, so if she just closes the door on their farce of a friendship, they'll know the reason. OP was never a priority in their lives, she was an option - and the 3rd option/wheel. She should delete their contact information, go wholly NC with both of them, politely (maintain her grace and self worth) resign from the bridesmaid position, not attend the wedding and let this be a lesson that not everything in the world is as it seems and not every friend is a true friend. This is a painful lesson that she learned the hard way, but my guess is that she has been their long-standing target for this kind of abuse probably since they became roommates in college or even prior to that if they knew each other before college. Life is too short and too precious to expend time and energy and love on those who would betray someone's heart this way. These two 'friends' will find a new victim before the sun sets.


OP is the asscanaut. First of, asscon 1 for snooping through somebody else's phone. But, ignoring that, what friend group doesn't talk a bit of crap about each other? If anything, it sounds like OP is just jealous and insecure of how close the other two are. She needs to get over herself and take a good natured ribbing on the chin, as well as to no longer snoop through other people's personal property.
