James Saryerwinnie - Writing Redis in Python with asyncio
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James Saryerwinnie - Writing Redis in Python with asyncio
[EuroPython 2016]
[21 July 2016]
[Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain]
In this talk, I'll show you how to write redis using asyncio. You'll
see how you can create a real world application using asyncio by
creating a python port of redis.
Python has been adding more and more async features to the language.
Starting with asyncio in python 3.4 and including the new async/await
keywords in python 3.5, it's difficult to understand how all these
pieces fit together. More importantly, it's hard to envision how to
use these new language features in a real world application. In this
talk we're going to move beyond the basic examples of TCP echo servers
and example servers that can add number together. Instead I'll show
you a realistic asyncio application. This application is a port of
redis, a popular data structure server, written in python using
asyncio. In addition to basic topics such as handling simple redis
commands (GET, SET, APPEND, etc), we'll look at notifications using
pub/sub, how to implement the MONITOR command, and persistence. Come
learn how to apply the asyncio library to real world applications.
[EuroPython 2016]
[21 July 2016]
[Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain]
In this talk, I'll show you how to write redis using asyncio. You'll
see how you can create a real world application using asyncio by
creating a python port of redis.
Python has been adding more and more async features to the language.
Starting with asyncio in python 3.4 and including the new async/await
keywords in python 3.5, it's difficult to understand how all these
pieces fit together. More importantly, it's hard to envision how to
use these new language features in a real world application. In this
talk we're going to move beyond the basic examples of TCP echo servers
and example servers that can add number together. Instead I'll show
you a realistic asyncio application. This application is a port of
redis, a popular data structure server, written in python using
asyncio. In addition to basic topics such as handling simple redis
commands (GET, SET, APPEND, etc), we'll look at notifications using
pub/sub, how to implement the MONITOR command, and persistence. Come
learn how to apply the asyncio library to real world applications.