Transformers Studio Series 97 RISE OF THE BEASTS Deluxe Class AIRAZOR Review

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Transformers Studio Series 97 RISE OF THE BEASTS Deluxe Class AIRAZOR Review

00:00 Gallery & Intro
01:05 Robot Mode
02:54 Articulation
04:08 Comparisons
06:11 Transformation
08:29 Beast Mode
09:34 Articulation
10:09 Comparisons
11:43 Final Thoughts
12:44 Darkness Coming!

#Transformers #RiseOfTheBeasts #StudioSeries
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12:56 I sense a darkness coming in the next review 🤔🤔


"We haven't seen this character in robot mode yet, so I guess only time will tell"

😢😢😢 So much for that


Fun fact: they made her SS97 as a reference to her debut the show and toyline being the first female transformers to hit the shelves in both japan and US


Just thought about how insanely fast she must be. Airazor is a peregrine falcon, which is the earth's fastest animal at a record of 300mph. Stack on top the fact she's a robot? Insane!


''She's boutta get massive'' got me laughing on the floor 🤣🤣🤣


I actually feel like I still prefer the mainline version. I like the more feminine headsculpt and the bird mode compared to this one. I've always had issues with the legs in bird mode with the old Airazor mold. I will say the deco makes this version's bird mode a bit more cohesive looking compared to the Kingdom Airazor and all its bright orange. Either way, I'll still be getting this one and the mainline version. 😂👍


I really like the kind of steampunk look for Airazor here. It’s quite neat


One thing I definitely respect about PvP is he has at least started waiting for the official reveal before he reviews them.


I much prefer the engineering in the mainline rotb deluxe airrazor, and the undercarriage of the beast mode looks far cleaner more like an actual bird, not a "bird-man" almost. Though the robot mode of the SS airrazor does, I think look better and probably more accurate. I think I'd like to get the mainline for the beast mode, and the SS for the robot mode. Either way great figure overall, and great review!! Thanks for the video, and keep up the good work!!


I loved my kingdom Airazor until it broke on me. There was a razor thin piece of plastic right on the wing hinge that was probably not a very good design choice. I'm glad to see they fixed the sole issue with that mold on this version!


Thinking on the “SS has a better robot mode, Mainline has a better Alt mode” thing; Hasbro probably did that on purpose so that they’ll be able to have better sales for each one, if the SS was better overall, they wouldn’t be seeing much sales from the mainline. I’m expecting this to be the same on various levels with the next SS/Mainline figures for ROTB.


In general, I prefer the mainline version. I like her much more feminine head sculpt and her lack of massive legs in falcon mode. However, I don't like the big gaps in the front of the wings of the mainline falcon...


This looks better that the main line looks, and was that Scourge looks awesome.


I love this new intro style you’re doing! Excellent work, nice song choice too. Very exciting review! Awesome job!


Honestly, I think I prefer the mainline ROTB Airazor over the Studio Series one. I mean I admire the SS figure's size but the mainline one has a much better transformation, cuter looking robot mode, and a VERY nice falcon mode.


oh she's gorgeous. I really liked the mainline but this one's great. Also I agree with the "if it ain't broke" line, Kingdom airazor was one of the best molds of that line, I also wonder if Hasbro's gonna continue reversing the "shrnkflation" of figures, going back to larger, chunkier figures at the same current price points, while still having the modern (or improved) engineering


Do you already have all the figures but you just have to wait till official reveals or hasbros word to review them? Either way, great review man. Can't wait to pick both airazors up, both look wonderful.


This figure looks really sick!
Michelle Yeoh is going to kill it as Airazor


I think I’m most excited to see which figures in this ROTB like get the premium finish treatment.

Those figures in particular are real pricey, but I truly think each release we’ve seen so far from this line is massively in need of a repaint.

My dream ROTB premium finish line would consist only of each Maximal.


SS should have the mainlines overall falcon design BUT of course with the extra molding detail/sculpting for accuracy.

The SS' size is perfect though imo. Just those slight tweaks and I think that's the best Air Razor we'll get/have.
