Learn Paronyms and Homonyms || Paronyms and Homonyms in English Grammar || Homophones#shorts

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Learn Paronyms and Homonyms || Paronyms and Homonyms in English Grammar || Homophones#shorts

Hello Dear Students,
Welcome to my channel The Tilak Tutorials.I hope you are all fit and fine and practicing English grammar every single day because you will become more confident if you practice English grammar everyday.
Today In this class I have discussed a new chapter of English Grammar which is Paronyms and homonyms. First you have to know What is Paronyms and Homonyms.

Definition of Paronyms - The words which are different in meaning or use but are similar in form or derivations.

Homonyms - Words similar in their sound or pronunciation but different in meaning. They are also called Homophones.

Example - ACCESS (approach), ACCESSION (coming to throne), EXCESS (more than desired).

BIRTH (to be born), BERTH (a seat in a train)

CASTE (class of society), CAST (throw), COST (price)

So, keep watching my channel to get regular updates about English Grammar.
.................................................................................................................................Your Queries -
What is Paronyms and Homonyms
Difference between Paronyms and Homonyms
Definition of Paronyms and Homonyms
Examples of Paronyms and Homonyms
What is Homophones
Are Homonyms and Homophones same?
Learn Paronyms and Homonyms
Paronyms and Homonyms in English Grammar
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