4 Shocking Beauty Myths That Are CAP! #plasticsurgery #myths

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Older woman, we been through all kinds of pain. We got it by now. Lol. 😄


Yes, we older women are the toughest!


As an ICU RN, I’ve been hit by both grown men and old women—it is confirmed, Nana’s left hook hurts way more 😩


Older women know their pain will be ignored 😓


I watch a lot of medical shows and other doctors and even a physical therapists mentioned that women handle pain better then men.


The thing about older women is so true Lol. When I got out of intensive care and still had to have a lot of procedures done they all told me that I did better than most grown men at everything. They said that I sat there stoically for things that grown men cried over


I can vouch for older women being tough, my mother in law has been through breast cancer, mastectomy, gaul stone removal, open heart surgery and a new heart halve fitted- ALL IN THE PAST 9 YEARS and she never once complains about her arthritis pain, she's got so much get up and go at 75


I can’t love his positivity enough. God bless you.


Women are meant to be able to handle lots of pain cuz of birth, that's my theory at least, most men get so insecure thinking we are calling them weak when we say that. We aren't. Strength isn't always physical strength or how you handle pain. Don't forget that


Speaking of tough older women, I have a story.

My mom was having some major chest pain last year for a few days and when it didn't go away, she ate ice cream because she thought it was heartburn. Then a few hours later she took some baby aspirin and went to workin at work it got worse (she's an RN) and one of the docs she works with insisted she go to the ER. Turns out she was having a heart attack so she was rushed to Albany med (upstate NY) and was getting ready to have major heart surgery a week later. After a quadruple bypass, she's doing much better today in 2023:). Ps - 2 weeks after getting out the hospital and while on oxygen, she gets covid 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ luckily it wasn't a bad case of it so she recovered nicely. Love my mom. She's a tough one. Drives me crazy but I love her so much


The fact that Mang was there is soo cute❤❤💜💜


older women have been through a lifetime of period pain, childbirth, and all the other maladies that people suffer, all while having their pain ignored, dismissed, and belittled. no wonder they take it so well!


I had liposuction with a tummy tuck and the fat may NOT come back and it didn’t, but some areas in my back now hold the fat. So in my humble opinion, my fat has just been redistributed to areas where there are fat cells. Fact. Cuz it’s me. 😊


The hair and razor myth has always drove me insane. How on earth would a blade change and make your hair follicles expand. If that were true, men who shaved their head wouldn’t have that problem.


We older women are tougher because in cronehood you have reached the age of "I don't give a crap, nor will I take any!"


Can confirm about the older women…
My mother was having chest pains on the way to work on a Tuesday. Pulled over and called off work. Did she drive the 5 minutes to the hospital? Nope, she chose to drive 15 minutes and went home! She didn’t tell anyone until I spoke to her on FRIDAY! I was dog sitting for my sister, who is a nurse practitioner and was out of state at a conference, when she told me. I immediately texted my sister to call me, told her the story (received a dumbfounded “WHAT?!?”) and said, “She had a heart attack…” My sister confirmed and said I needed to get my mother, who is very stubborn, to the ER right away. I called my mom’s boyfriend who was little help because he knew she wouldn’t listen to him, either, so I texted my sister and suggested she call her. Thankfully my mom listened to my sister and went to the ER. Good thing because she did have a heart attack. She was mad at me for squealing on her for a few days until she found out she needed a quadruple bypass. In the end, they only did a triple because the one was too small and in a difficult area to reach, so they somehow rerouted things? I’m not certain on that. In any case, she never looked like she even had a heart attack or surgery the whole time she was in the hospital and was up and around in no time. It was amazing!
And you want to talk about pain… When I was 33, one of my ovaries ruptured. It twisted first at the end of my shift at work and I was doubling over a bit, but I thought I pulled a muscle. I drove home which it ruptured soon after. It dropped me to my knees. It was soon to be that time of the month so I just thought it was bad cramps and left it at that. I took a hot bath and went to bed because I was feeling a little off. Woke up in the middle of the night in horrible pain, still having no clue what this was. Waited a half hour before I finally told my husband to call my mom to watch the kids and take me to the ER. Between the time it ruptured and I finally said take me to the ER, it was about six and a half hours. When I was trying to get dressed to go was the first time I actually cried out in pain from it because having to move certain ways to dress hurt. I was bleeding internally from an ovarian torsion for that long before even saying I should go to the ER. When I got there, I walked in while my husband parked the car, doubled over in pain. I told the reception nurse what was going on and she took me right back. It’s amazing what you can tolerate sometimes…


The "Make it Right" background soundtrack with the lil Hobi and Mang really caught my attention.


Since the top of the hair is soft and thinner than the rest of the hair would it not feel thicker and coarser even as that hair grows out since you're cutting off the sharp thin soft tip of the hair and leaving the thick stem of the hair


"Bad ass bitch fuel!" 🥰🥰🥰 I need this in my life!!! Great video Dr. Youn as always! 🥰🥰🥰


I'm not surprised. The grandma's have experienced being mothers, raising tough men, etc. They are cold blooded if need be.
