Natural Bodybuilding: Become the best version of yourself | Mischa Janiec | TEDxHSG

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Mischa Janiec breaks the stereotypes of Natural Bodybuilding to describe how lifting weights helps people reach the best version of themselves. Namely through understanding the relationship between mental and physical fitness, recognizing self-reflection as a success driving attitude and learning that failure is a necessary step towards success.

Mischa Janiec is an Entrepreneur, Social Media Influencer, Personal Coach and Pro Natural Bodybuilder from Switzerland. He became the Swiss Natural Bodybuilding Federation Teen Class Champion in 2011 and won the Overall Title at the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation Muscle Mayhem 2016. Apart from being a Pro Athlete, Mischa has become a famous European Social Media Influencer. He has thousands of followers on Facebook and Instagram and millions of views on his youtube channel. He is also the Co-founder of Profuel, a vegan supplement company, Chief Marketing Officer of a clothing company named ProBroWear and helps people get in shape with his Online Training Course “Lean Bulk System”. He also likes to travel around the world and giving his Internet Community insights of beautiful places like South America or Thailand.

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I want to confess that years before doing bodybuilding. I've used to smoke like 35 cigarettes per day, I was overweight and stress rash on my face.
I also had in the past some panic attacks, and other mental problems.

The gym changed my life completely. I have an really nice body, my skin is good.

And my brain works at 100 percent. I have more confidence. everything got better.

I hope that if somebody have depression or other problems, like anxiety, read this and give it a try.

Love from Argentina!


“Failure is not an option, it’s a requirement.” ~ Dom Mazzettii


I've been pumping iron for 52 years. Its the best thing I've ever done for myself.


Mischa Janinject is my favorite natural bodybuilder, next to Rich Piana.


The health benefits, mental strength, and overall self improvement that results from bodybuilding are huge, and more awareness should be made around them rather than the negative stereotypes people have


He did not talk about the energy level but when you train, you actually have more energy to do things at night after your whole day at work instead of just watching tv. You can plan something and actually achieve it because there is gas left in the tank. I always hear people say they are tired. I'm tired too, but after a training session at the gym, I have a reason to be tired!


The most valuable thing I learned on bodybuilding is
to take rest when I get tired or cannot keep on because of injury,


I watched this video 5 years ago and was inspired by it. Then I signed up for a gym membership and my life got changed completely, I do not mean I can lift 100kg weights or do 100 pushups but I am healthier and happier . Until now I still often go to the gym 4 times a week. Sometimes I remember to this video and feel grateful. Thank you for this inspiring video.


Started working out with only body weight in 1971/2? My uncle helped and he said arm circles, push ups, pull ups, grip strength and leg development are the keys.

In 1977 & 1978 I entered power lifting contest. I did well and it gave me strength, determination, tenacity and commitment. I am 66+ now. I still try and remain active today in weight training, bicycling, RUCKING, HIKING, WALKING DOGS and kayaking. Get off the couch.

I am not afraid of death, i am afraid of not living life to the fullest.


Body building made me quit drinking lean(prescription syrup), made me stay away from drugs that were actually ruining my life, those drugs made me lose a lot of appetite, I would be looking at good food and I'll be unable to eat, and I'm a very skinny guy. Body building gave me a lot of determination to get the results I wanted and made me quit anything that stood in my way. It changed my life drastically.


Love this message and over time I too managed to apply this message to my life and at 41 I am healthier and stronger than any other stage of my life.


Thanks for having me TED :) Did my best even without my Slides =D


I believe this. I was going through depression after failing school and losing everything. I also had an accident that broke my tibia and plateau fracture. I lost weight and became more confident, it has nothing to do with looking good, but getting the mental image of strength to make it in this harsh world. Every time I do physical therapy I feel like a new man, and my doctors see this. I can now walk unlike a few months ago. Later, I WILL RUN!


Who came here after watching vaibhav kadnar bhaiya video😂


Why didn't they ask Jeff Cavaliere?


He's telling the truth I workout it really gives me confidence


Who came here after watching vaibhav kandar video


I have scoliosis as well! It's what has motivated me to work out and take care of myself, getting better everyday with less pain. I'm so happy to see my dreams aren't completely out of reach because of my back. This guy gives me hope!!


Bodybuilding has helped me understand myself


Love this...and it is so true. Exercise/Weight lifting has been a literal healer for my depression; and now I am considering becoming a natural bodybuilder.
