Spring Boot Connect to Oracle Database Example

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Learn how to write Java code that connects to Oracle Database Server in a Spring Boot application with two ways:
- Using JdbcTemplate and connect a local instance of Oracle database server
- Using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate framework and connect to a remote instance of Oracle database server.
You will also learn how to specify dependency for Oracle JDBC driver and configure data source properties (JDBC URL, username, password, show SQL, format SQL and database dialect).
Software programs:
- Java Development Kit (JDK)
- Spring Tool Suite IDE (STS)
- Oracle Express & SQL Developer tool
- Using JdbcTemplate and connect a local instance of Oracle database server
- Using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate framework and connect to a remote instance of Oracle database server.
You will also learn how to specify dependency for Oracle JDBC driver and configure data source properties (JDBC URL, username, password, show SQL, format SQL and database dialect).
Software programs:
- Java Development Kit (JDK)
- Spring Tool Suite IDE (STS)
- Oracle Express & SQL Developer tool
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