Snapseed Beginner Tutorial | Android and iPhone

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This Snapseed beginner tutorial shows you exactly what you need to make your images and thumbnails look better and pop. If you're a beginner at Snapseed and want to make your images, photos and thumbnails look the best they can, and do it all on your phone, this Snapseed editing tutorial was made for you. Snapseed is a free app available on Android and iPhone (all iOS) and the best photo editing app available. Enjoy!

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This easy-to-follow tutorial uses the free Snapseed app to walk you through the simple steps of making your images, photos and YouTube thumbnails look better. Make them POP with this free photo editing app that's available on Android and iOS (iPhones).
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I've been using snapseed for 3 years and the only thing I know how to use was tune image, brush and healing 😂


0:59 we r gonna tap on that and she is going to open up
1:14 we are gonna tap on that
1:25 this is the juice
1:51 im going to press down
2:08 im going to push down again and go to the warmth
2:16 im going to play with this a little bit

Quarantine makes u think weird

(i gotta stop)


Your explanation of “selective” tool was the best by far of five other quick tutorials recently viewed. Prior to this tutorial, I had misunderstood the true nature of the tool for color correction. Thank you for clearly explaining the benefit and use of the tool.


You literally have no idea how
Much you just helped me out. You have actually just made my day. Thank you so much!!


You don't have to save after each use of the Selective tool. You can drop a point, adjust it, then tap the + (Add) icon to drop another point, etc. Then hit the check icon when you're done with all of them.


Love Snapseed. Have been using it for almost a year and I’m just scratching the surface on what it can do for your photos. I decided to delve in and learn more and wow, I’ve ended up with some great results. I’m for from being done learning, this is a great too. Thank you for putting out great info.


4 years ago and still so much value.
Thank you man.


As a high school teacher of beginning photography with no equipment but the students camera phones, this tutorial is a really helpful to improve the use of their phones while imparting solid information about light, composition and the editorial process. Thank you!


*Women & Food - My two favorite things! lol*

I use Adobe Photoshop express on my iPhone and to save money, I use Adobe after effects instead of Photoshop on my PC... does everything I need :)

Another reason to not go overboard with the ambience or saturation is that it can bring up artifacts like noise and grain. It's interesting that you use the word "tuning" as it actually reminds me of tuning guitar strings because your trying to find that balance of appearance vs performance so you go back and forth or up and down until you get it just right, similar to how you turn the tuning pegs of a guitar up and down until the note of the string is identical to the note of your tuner or other string.

Another super sharable video!


I've been using Snapseed for about a month and I love it so far; it's become my main photo editing tool for my "real" photography (i.e., photos I take with my Lumix FZ1000-II, as opposed to quickie snapshots with the phone). I don't use Snapseed on my phone; I prefer the larger screen of my tablet for it. I'm planning to learn GIMP at some point on my laptop, but that's kind of on the back burner.

I have found, by the way, that when you have a LOT of photos and you're not sure which ones or versions you want to edit for actual use, it can be hard to figure out which one is which in the thumbnails that Snapseed brings up. My preference is to flip through the photos in the actual gallery on my tablet, and when I know which one I want to edit, tap the Share icon, which includes Snapseed as an option. Thanks for the video!


I've been using snapseed for about 2 years, but your"s ( that I've just watched ) was the first tutorial for SS ( or anthing ) that I have really ever watched . Im not going to go into any details as to what has led me to the place and time I've arrived at, but as so often -SO often - ., without my hand on the wheel or my foot on the gas.ive arrived where I'm supposed to be, when and where i wasn't going while was watching bits and pieces of a few tutorials, with a ....language barrier .... ( not.that i couldn't understand ), { could follow , its just that after a lifetime of adhd and learning to taskmaster - Iv"e realized i concentrate on listening listen and lose visual continuity or do my thing that combined with growing up poor and living poor past 3 score now, has be more rewarding and inspiring than I seriously can imagine - and thats all I've ever done - imagine and create - ( the value, volume, variety and vindication ) I keep believing will someday be mine ( or not ) in the eyes of my large family siblings and progeny, that do not understand now nor did and 50 years ago. And so it seems fate destined me to be here , 2 watch you're thoroughly entertaining and educational tutorial that I stumbled across while not even looking for, but would have been later this day as ... pre-determined by earlier circumstances of this day!
Yes i fully understand how far i waxed poetic but if a picture paints a thousand words, i doubt a dozen pictures would be sufficient to truly express the way this coincidence happened nor the dozens of others this ... no, I'm not going to add a timeline, e to this insanity here penned, lol so let ne touch down and say what i had planned to before your information started firing those synapsis hmmm...synapsai ;i anyway i never allow myself to use the proper tools or detailed knowledge, copy anothers technique, read instructions, believe those who says you can"t do that even if its me saying it to myself, i actually think thatt stumble - bumbling along first, is like the dark tinted sunglasses while driving into the rising sun . You couldn't proceed without them, but a little later on they come off and the light introduces itself to the day : while i stand here, once again awe struck by it all . Im ALSO fighting within myself to keep this posted i, ,,allow IT TO BE JUST EXERCISIING A MIND FULL OF ADRENALINE, ... so i will leave, if possible an example of how i use snapseed then is ....the fact i subscribed a bitbago, byt you appear in my gmail daily at least for months now. 😀


Can't believe this channel has 10k already! Just goes to show these people know there stuff :)


Just started today with snapseed. Easy to start. Just hoping I can find out how to get out of app and start over. So far I’m enjoying your tutorial. Thanks


I'm teaching Snapseed to my 9th grade photography students. I think it's a great tool!


*buries face in hands* How did I NOT EVER hear about this app? The icon just magically appeared today. Googled 'snapseed' and learned that Google procured it. So there. Really looking forward to using this. Have been getting fed up with PicsArt and their pullback of standard features to pay-to-play. Thanks for this great starter vid!


I Just started using Snapseed. This video was really helpful. Thanks for the tricks.


Snapseed is great. Unfortunately, I have only scratched the surface of the power of this app. Thanks for the great video, will be back.


I downloaded this today and already i love it and playing around with it


Thank you so much for demystifying Snapseed. As a forever user of Photoshop, I had to give it up when my old computer died, and I had to either pay to subscribe or give up on graphics altogether. Went from Mac to Windows 10, with photoshop installed. New computer had Windows 11 and photoshop for subscription only. Ugh! I hate Windows 11, couldn't figure out the subscription photoshop, so cancelled and gave up. Then, happened across Snapseed on my iphone. All I wanted to do was a photo collage, which was so easy on photoshop. Snapseed wasn't intuitive. I finally was able to paste one photo over a background, but couldn't figure out how to fix the obvious border on the cut/pasted photo (eraser), and couldn't adjust contrast, saturation, and other corrections on each photo. Now I see...You have to do the adjustments to each one prior to importing the next. I'm hoping that one can paste several photos over each other, but I haven't viewed all your videos yet. My only complaint is that you talk and change from one video to the next too fast, but I can deal with that. You've got me thinking that Snapseed will allow me to ditch Photoshop and its subscription costs altogether. We'll


snapseed is my favourite photo editing app for sure
