Restoration TV Panasonic 21' old | Restore color television

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Restoration TV Panasonic 21" old | Restore color television
Restore the TV found while mowing the lawn
#restoration #tv #panasonic #television
I hope you find something useful and enjoy this movie! I am pleased with your feedback, advice and suggestions for improvement. Sorry for the mistake if i made this restoration !
Thank you ! Have a nice day .
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Thank you for watching the video. I will try to improve the video even more.😇😇


Wow, I had one of those TVs, the same model, it was over 10 years old, it never broke, I sold it when I bought the Led TV. It's good to see it again being restored to its original splendor. Panasonic for me has always been synonymous with quality! Congratulations on the beautiful recovery work.


I just love how well arranged the beginning of this video is. According to the story, a young man is weeding in his backyard, and accidentally bumps into a thrown out TV. The scene of this accidental find is really well arranged and well recorded from multiple angles. Good cameraman job and nice arrangement of the scene! Makes the "accidental find" story very believable. Very entertaining video.


Понравилось как этот "чудак" лихо настроил отклоняющую систему и магниты сведения. И паяльник который не плавит припой -зачетный.


I've owned a Panasonic "52 plasma TV going on 17 years and it still works like brand new. Love, love, love Panasonic 💘 😻


After all components fixed he doesn't bother to test if it's working instead screwd and packed ...what a confidence..


I really like all the effort put in to make it look like it has been there exposed to the elements at the beginning than the restoration


Having been a television engineer i can definitely say that diode split loptx wouldn't have survived the rain and weather exposure, would've gone snap crackle and pop, plus he rips the scan coils off the crt and still gets a nice fully converged picture without any adjustments, no way jose.


With your passion for the details, you really deserve better soldering tools :)

Thanks for this wonderful video. My last CRT TV had a similar fate - I found that nice Nordmende Spectra 72 next to a pile of junk at a car workshop where a friend worked. I asked if i can have it and he said sure, but it's already there since 3 weeks, with rain and everything.

After some cleaning and repairs - the root cause why it was thrown out was just a broken solder joint - i enjoyed it for many years before buying my first plasma TV. And my dad still loves to tell a story from my childhood how i repaired a TV from the junkyard where people already broke the PCB by kicking it with the feet. I carefully soldered wires over all broken traces, it finally worked and i sold it to a friend.

Keep on restoring things. It's such a satisfying feeling to make something that looks like trash look and work nearly like new again. And it's also a pleasure to watch others doing so :)


salut sudah 20 tahunan jadi tehnisi tv belum pernah mengalami begitu mudahnya membetulkan tv.jangankan yg sudah lama membangkai dan kemungkinan dibuang kayak gitu karena sudah mentok dibetulin tehnisi, Yg baru rusak aja terkadang sulit diperbaiki .Tapi oleh sipembuat konten tidak kesulitan memperbaikinya.pokoknya sy salut .


amazing what you youtube restoration guys from asia find in the dirt! and always the people take their time and remove the housing before throwing away…and then a lucky guy find these stuff, cleans it with water, do some soldering and of course new painting - and voila - it works again….its magic!


Магниты сведения и отклоняющую систему снимать с кинескопа недопустимо - они юстируются на заводе-изготовителе. Как после такой "реставрации" телевизор умудряется показывать хоть что-то вменяемое?


Чудная у них природа. Даже платы не гниют.


Да да да... Он вообще понимает, что он откручивает на 12:20 и далее? Это сердце кинескопа! После вмешательства в этот узел, его бы ждала длительная и увлекательная процедура сведения лучей. А тут - кисточкой помахал, все приклеил на место и опа! Четкая цветная картинка в итоге. Опять же на 14:07 катушка вся в пыли но в какой-то очередной ее поворот (на 14:09) - абсолютно чистая, даже в труднодоступных местах отклоняющая система....


I don't believe that this is a real restoration😶 but it's still a cool video! 👍


The tv is so special made from gold no rust on component and PCB ...Good drama


Are viewers supposed to believe this? This is a produced video, edited in backwards: First, he uses the TV, then splits its in parts and simulates mounting, then he spoilds its and then he finds it, just of a sudden!


Que suerte que tiene este hombre! Siempre encuentra algo para restaurar cuando lo están filmando!!!! Que


Excellent work god bless you🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰👍


11:03 Только из-за этого момента и смотрю эти видео. Чего он там тестером тыкает так до сих пор для меня загадкой остается. А неизвестное всегда притягивает...
