PIXY - Insomnia (Color Coded Lyrics)

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Video Edition: Simmer
Layout: Bruno
Hangul: Naver Vibe
Romanization: Bruno
English Translation: Simmer
Portuguese Translation: Simmer
Thumb: Simmer

Artist: PIXY
Track: Insomnia
Album: Fairy forest : Bravery
Release Date: 2021.05.20

Members: Ella, Lola, Satbyeol, Dia, Sua, Dajeong

All rights administered by ALLART Entertainment and Happy Tribe Entertainment
No copyright infringement intended
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Our Biases
Simmer: Dajeong
Andy: Ella
Huimang: Satbyeol

#PIXY #픽시 #Wings #Bravery #Insomnia #Let_Me_Know
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Wow Perfect Video!!! I love your layout & ur color coded lyrics are so accurate, U also count adlibs, background & hidden vocal too. 1 sub for you!!!
In 1:18 is Sua but the others channel gave to Lola but I though the “Please stop me now” in 1:53 is Sua ?
