Every Minecraft Dye in One Farm! (Java 1.20)

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This farm has been months in the making--from my custom bone meal farm to all the micro farms that went into this build... Hope you guys enjoy this!

Check out my Compact Bone Meal Farm by itself here:

Also see my Bamboo Farm Super Smelter:

I've even designed a way to teleport to multiple stops across your server, which you can find here:

Spudscribe to see more of my videos if you like these!

Materials List:

Top Portion:

Bottom Wither Rose Farm:

World Download:


Top Portion:

Bottom Wither Rose Farm:

Videos/websites/stuff Mentioned:

My nifty dye guide cheat sheet:

@RaysWorks' flower farm:

@TinoFM_MC @ilmango's Simple and Stable Wither Cage:

@RaysWorks' Easy Food Farm, hoglin:

@ianxofour's Instant gold XP farm:

@TheBreakdownXYZ's Litematica installation guide:

Chunkbase biome finder:

@Eyecraftmc's nether roof and bedrock breaking guide:


Chasing Palm Trees by Ehrling

Bamboo Groove by Tubebackr

86 Up by Hilau & Tubebackr

Lolipop by Roa

Amine Maxwell - Blue NightsCreative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)

Your Presence by Ehrling

00:00 Intro & overview
01:28 Pink
03:42 Magenta
04:08 Purple
04:44 Blue
06:04 Light Blue
06:35 Cyan
07:24 Green
08:27 Lime
09:48 Yellow
10:16 Orange
10:51 Red
11:14 Brown
12:14 Black
18:08 Gray
18:34 Light Gray
19:03 White
19:38 Tutorial: Top Half+Litematica
22:45 Tutorial: Wither Rose Farm
31:08 Outro

#minecraft #redstone #minecraftredstone #tutorial #gaming #minecraftbuild #music #dye #dyefarm #farm #redstonetutorial
Рекомендации по теме

This new version uses the crafter to farm every dye item itself, instead of just the ingredients!

Materials List:

(keep in mind that you'll need more materials for the nether roof farm of your choice)

Edit: Well I guess we'll have autocrafting to make each of these into the dyes themselves in 1.21! Stay tuned for an update video!

Don't forget to turn the bone meal farm off when leaving the area, or there's a chance the stone generation will get messed up!

Also before someone notices, math is hard, I just thought about it and I believe the rates of purple, light blue, cyan, and gray are doubled from what they would actually be. Apparently doing that in my head for two colors (when they make more when crafted after) is surprisingly difficult


The new crafter would make this fully automatic! The addition of the crafter feels likes when hoppers first got added, it adds sop much potential for automation.


Thanks for the mention. Very cool setup!


Every other dye: flowers and shit

Black dye: harnesses skeletal amalgamation demigod


Works great, built this in my hardcore world today. Noob tip that I definitely didn't forget about and accidentally do... don't leave the farm when you have the bonemeal farm running. Always turn it off first, or you'll start getting cobble and have to replace manually.


My friend made a dye factory because there hasn’t been anything like this posted before and now I want to rival his factory with this monster tower


Just a quick note about flower farms. Height matters. You may find the ideal spot, but flattening out the land may not result in the same flowers. Build the platform and re-test to make sure the flowers are the same.


I’ll give a couple of tips to people who will be looking for growing points of blue flowers:
1) all flowers grow according to the perlin noise pattern (yeah yeah all knows...)
2) each subsequent species grows close to the previous one by ID (in other words, you should look for cornflowers not far from lilies of the valley or daisies and very far from onions)
3) generation patterns differ not only on the plane but also in height too

edit: oh, he already said some of this, I haven’t finished watching it yet


Just finished building this on my smp - had never seriously looked at dye farming before so this was a great intro! Also appreciate the fact everything is spaced out. What it lacks in density it makes up for with ease of upgrades, can see it will be very easy to increase output with more farms or add features like autocrafting and autosmelting.

I built my version with a 2x2 chromoss stack as the bonemeal farm which should allow all farms to run in parallel without bonemeal supply being a bottleneck (might have to add more layers but that's easily enough done). Also added a fifth chromoss module in water stream configuration to output moss - convenient to use the same storage system for it. Working on wiring everything up to have on/off switches and status indicators in a control panel at ground level, can share the schematic some time! Thanks again and congrats on 1k :))


thank you so much for taking the time to make this! I've always wanted to have a flower farm that produces all the dyes in one place but nobody's ever made one. Really appreciated!!


Ngl, was researching on dyes to make a farm for it, realised i only need a few to craft all the dyes and your farm format is great, definitely gonna use it with slight tweaks for my use


Wooohoo I found the oxeye/cornflower flower spot near home! cant wait to build this! ty for the tutorial/video/invention and world download :D


oh this video is fantastic. I'm not going to use this farm anytime soon because I'm lazy and have no use for it but i had an excellent time watching it and I'm excited to watch your other videos as well


Hey hey hey! I'm here because of Keralis. Amazing work!!!


There is something about large redstone machines with different modules which makes them look sick. Definitely building this farm as i always run out of dyes for concrete and duping them is kinda lame


a flower farm in a plains biome provides red, yellow, and blue dyes. if you add a cactus farm, bonemeal farm, and wither rose farm. you can craft all the dyes.


thx so much dude gonna build this in my world. What a g for including schematic


i did a multi flower farm on my bedrock world to get all of the dyies, and man is it way easier to do in bedrock, since you can bonemeal any 1 block tall flower to make it grow others identical in the surroundings, i did a pretty amateour redstone and managed to do something that produced me way more flowers than i will ever need, your farm is super impressive tho! loved it


Spawning and capturing a Wither - for years the most fearsome mob in the game - simply to farm black dye is kinda hilarious 😄


Great farm! Also, Litematica seems AMAZING!! I LOVE that! I did not know of this tool! This will save me hours of time!! Thanks for that!
