Hidden NES Golf game on Nintendo Switch. A tribute to Satoru Iwata.

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UPDATE 07/11/18 : There will be no update video posted in 2018.
Please read the pinned comment below for more info.

A hidden NES Golf game resides in the Nintendo Switch.
Not much is known currently about this mysterious piece of software left behind by Nintendo.
What we know is that it is most likely a tribute to the legendary Satoru Iwata, and his passing on July 11th, 2015.

We all owe this man great respect for what he has done for the gaming industry in his lifetime. Today's gaming atmosphere may have been a very different place, was it not for his influence.

Enjoy this footage of the hidden NES Golf game, in honor of Mr. Iwata's of Nintendo.

We miss you deeply. Thank you for all the good times and smiles you have brought to millions of lives.

More info about this hidden game can be found on GBATemp
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UPDATE 07/11/2018 : The outpouring of love over this finding has been amazing. Thank you all <3
Unfortunately, there will be no update video for this year. Nintendo removed the entry point for GOLF in the 4.0.0 firmware revision. Using the hand motions to launch the game on July 11th will not be possible if you are on a firmware 4.0.0 or above. There may be ways around this, but it removes the intent of this memorial. Read below for reasoning.

Please do not be angry with Nintendo. There are a few reasons why access may have been removed.

The most prevalent theory is that the inclusion of Satoru Iwata's GOLF game in the Switch was intended to be an Omamori. An Omamori is a Japanese tradition of honoring one's passing, by including something personal or a belonging of the person in a sealed container or pouch. It is then carried or worn to ward off bad luck and spirits, as well to protect the carrier.
An Omamori is not intended to be opened, as it is believed to release the contained spirit of protection held within. Therefore opening the GOLF game on the Switch would negate its purpose.

There may be other reasons for Nintendo's decision, but I will leave it at that for now. Regardless of the reason for removal, let us show this man respect and appreciate what he brought to the world of gaming.

Today we stand proud to honor the life of Satoru Iwata.
He brought countless smiles to millions of faces around the globe.
He pursued the ideal that everyone, no matter of age, gender, location, or spoken language... could put aside our differences, and come together to enjoy one another's company, through the medium of gaming.

Thank you Satoru Iwata for all that you did. We miss you.


It's triggered by the "Directly to you" gesture that Iwata would do during his Nintendo Directs? This is amazing. Bravo, Nintendo. RIP Iwata, we miss you.


Who’s here after Golf got released on Nintendo Switch Online - NES?


The last game Iwata worked on was Mario Maker iirc. he left us with mario maker so we could have fun making games like he did ;-;


What makes me more surprised is that the steps you have to take to be able to use it strongly remind me of those outlandish rumors of unlocking features in videogames in the 90s... except this time it's for real.

Too many coincidences for this to not be a tribute.


Could you imagine the shock of someone remembering the passing date of Iwata, making the gesture in front of console, and then the game starts all of a sudden!?

Amazing tribute. Fantastic.


Coming back here to say that Golf has released on NES Switch Online.
Although the game in the Switch itself has been inaccessible for years, at least the game, and Iwatas Legacy can live on.


I can’t. This is such as beautiful tribute to Iwata. Seeing one of the first Nintendo games Iwata worked on appear on the Switch after doing his “To you” pose, got me. Thank you for this Nintendo and thank you Iwata.


*proceeds to set a reminder for July 11 2018*


This is a very touching Easter Egg, and I am thankful to everyone involved for their hard work in finding it~


Thank you so much for video evidence.
This is probably the best easter egg/tribute I've seen in a long, long time.
Iwata was really appreciated by the workers at Nintendo.


It's apart of Japanese culture. Basically the inclusion of Golf means he is with the switch and is supporting it. He's seeing the success of his hard work.


This thing hit me DIRECTLY to my heart


...but in my heart, I am a gamer
We miss you, Iwata :(


That is absolutely incredible that it activates through Iwata's 'Directly' pose. best easter egg ever.


this is a really beautiful tribute.  he was very well respected and admired.


I must say Directly to Us
Iwata San the best


Bru I’m pretty amazed that you did all that backwards honestly



I love you iwata
I miss you

Thanks !!
Thank you so much !!


Now that right there, is an amazing tribute to Iwata-san. Truly beautiful.
