WOMEN REMAIN CHASABLE by Dr Myles Munroe (Must Watch for All Women)

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The secret to keeping your husband from other women is by making it too hard for him to get his eyes off you. How? --- By remaining CHASABLE all the time. Genesis 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall CLEAVE unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." - Dr Myles Munroe.
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🎵Background Track:
Mozart Piano Concerto no. 21 in C major, K. 467 - II. Andante by Markus Staab
Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)


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this is so true
a woman should not just relax thinking she's married and there's no need to keep looking good...


True a woman should never give up on looking beautiful and her best


I share the pastor's sentiment. I look at my wife and everytime, she takes my breath away. I disagree with the makeup. Nothing is more sexy and chasable than natural beauty of a woman


Love this!! My mom also always says don’t just look good for the people in the street and on the job but look good for your husband also♥️♥️


Advice to anyone that is not finding their spouse "chaseable" please pray to God to change YOUR heart towards your spouse. Please don't expect your spouse to change themselves for you. You married them for better or for worse. You don't get to abandon them or commit adultery just because you feel they aren't measuring up. Love each other and cherish each other and be grateful for your blessings. Start here first.


In reading some of the comments think I must've missed something. As a God fearing mature woman, I didn't take this message as offensive but as very insightful. The overall message isn't for you to be uncomfortable in your home but to ensure that your husband's eyes stay fixed on you so he'll want to always chase you! Please ladies, less offense and more humor, as my Grandmother would say "take the meat and leave the bones." Great video thank you Dr. Munroe, rest in heaven.


I agree; now when will these men realise that the Beer Belly won't work either?🤔🤔🤔


This is a message for the mentally healthy. I'm seeing a lot of excuses in the comments here but this man speaks the truth. Letting yourself go after marriage shows a lack of love for your husband/wife. It's important that we take away the good of this message and leave our own negative self talk at the door. Diet, exercise, dress up etc. These things will only help your marriage to be more fulfilling. No need to get offended.


Thank you Papa!!! I am just 1year marriage but your video change my life very much!!! Thank you Jesus!!! Thank you man of God!!! Chimène nguintchou from Cameroon!!!


I love this, so very raw and true mixed with humor. It makes the pill easier to swallow lol. My man is expected to be tied to me forever and be faithful and hard working no matter what and I'm expected to make that duty as easy as possible for him by always trying to impress each other like it's our first date. Beautiful.


If I have to be so self-conscious about my appearance with my own husband all the time, I would rather be single, I am sure I would at least benefit from peace of mind. At least I wouldn't have to worry about the man looking for a younger version of me.


I just had an epiphany that marriage is about sacrificing self, by both partners. It's about playing YOUR role within the marriage meaning you have to do what's best for the union. It's the same with parenting, you remove self when you raise a child by loving them and doing what's best for THEM not how you wish you were raised or what you think they should be.

So I think most relationships fail because when people get married they think they still can be the same person they were when they were single but forget being in a team and being solo you're not the same person and the visions are totally different.

Thank you God Almighty. ❤️🙏🙌


The thing men don't seem to understand is when you are just dating a woman you only see the finished product after a good nights sleep in flannels and an hour with your hair in curlers. When you live with a woman you can not expect to see just the finished product without allowing space for the process. This is like expecting a work of art for the wall without realistically acknowledging an artist has a sometimes messy studio to create the art in. If you like your wife well dressed budget for it and build a proper closet and also be prepared to watch the kids for an hour or so that she can shower shave do her hair makeup etc. and get coordinated. Men like to dismiss the work involved in preparing their meals too I notice. She probably had to meal plan defrost or shop the day before dirty 3 pots and a pan 4 knives etc. so she got dolled up slaved in the kitchen and he comes home and complains if she has a hair out of place? Lol those guys can go chase their own tail for all I care. Especially if they can be bothered to maintain their own appearance or hygiene.


Rip peace, pastor Myles Monroe thank God for this


If a woman can't be allowed to feel natural and relaxed in her own home because she has to stay styled and glammed for her husband to remain interested, then she has the wrong husband. Dressing up, and breaking out the negligee should be appreciated when it's done, but it shouldn't be expected to be the norm as that is not realistic for anyone other than the "glam women" (y'know, those whose own pride won't allow them to be seen unless completely made up). She should be chased and loved even in her flannels and even when her dropped breasts are evident because she decided not to wear an uncomfortable bra IN HER OWN HOME. Ugh. The same goes for men; he should be loved and admired even if he loses his muscular definition or his hair isn't as full. Shallow enjoyment of appearance can happen but it really isn't any basis for anything.


Wow. This is good. This man left a legacy for real!


As a married woman have to agree with him because before you was married you made sure everything look so why not after . He married you because of your appearance also. Please let's not be so spiritual that we miss the message. Keep your husband happy.


I feel like the Bible verse clearly says the *man* should cleave to his woman. So how now is this turned around so that it has become the woman's responsibility? If Miles Munroe (may he Rest In Peace) stated earlier that in the beginning, the Word to not eat from the tree was presented to Adam *and not to Eve*, why then, is it okay to turn this particular verse on the woman? Was this particular verse not given *specifically* to the man? "MEN, cleave to your woman." While it is good to listen to the Godly teachings of man, it's even better to seek biblical counsel and Godly discernment above any word that man on earth gives. I could agree with some of the other things that Munroe had to say on the matter between men and women (even some that weren't so pleasant to hear), but I'm not going to accept that a man who has been given Godly instruction to love me now has an excuse to no longer do so because *I* "haven't been exercising" or whatever other excuse he might give himself to no longer love me as he has been called to do. That's not what the Bible says and I hope some of you men are reading this so that you remember that regardless of whether your wife is physically attractive anymore, you have still been given instruction by God and you will still be held responsible for carrying out those instructions. I'm tired of seeing the slacking behavior of certain men being excused while women are constantly being called to a higher responsibility. It's always apparently our duty to make sure that the man does what God has called him to do but when we're being advised, we hear zilch about the husband's role in our obedience to our Godly calling. God didn't place *us* at the head of marriage, God placed *you men* at the head. Just accept what you're responsible for, we'll do the same.


Wow! Dr Myles words are just as anointed now as though he is still in the earth realm. He made his mark in this world.


This is really beautiful. If the wife remains chaseable the husband will also keep on chasing. Chasing can come in different forms he will also do that best to love his wife. Quiet an insightful video
