Easily Link Ancestry DNA Matches to Your Family Tree | Genetic Genealogy

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Learn how to link your AncestryDNA Matches to your family tree. By linking your DNA matches to your family tree, you can quickly navigate between the trees and visually see your research.

But is this busy work or a revolutionary new genetic genealogy tool from Ancestry DNA?


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00:00 Introduction
01:09 What is the new linking tool?
02:00 My DNA match list
04:03 Adding a DNA Match that does not have a tree
04:54 Working with unlinked profiles
05:40 How to Add a Relative to tree
06:51 Should you use this tool?
12:44 Use a Surname Table
13:37 Do Targeted Research
17:25 Change relationship after linking

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I manage 10 DNA tests on Ancestry; I keep everything in 1 tree. I look at the hints when/if I want and do not let them bother me. And I add the DNA links as I go along; I know everything is not complete and I don't let it stress me; I put on my profile that my tree is a working tree and it changes daily as I add people, sources, records, pics, etc. I have learned alot from watching Crista Cowan's Barefoot Genealogist about working with Ancestry. I find this channel very helpful too.


During the quarantine, I had time to track down the DNA match links and I was able to solve a 120-year-old family mystery. I was able to track down where my great-great-grandfather went after he left or was told to leave the family. After the lockdown lifted a bit I was able to drive to Iowa and visit his grave.


Completely agree about making the linking work with ThruLines. I very much hope that they will use the work we're doing linking to improve ThruLines. I find it very satisfying to link cousins in, and I've been building my tree "down" for years, so many of them are already in the tree. It helps me makes sense of my big crazy family.


I agree with your Suggestions for Improvement from Ancestry. We are all hoping.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! It's like you read my mind. I was just thinking last night I wish I could link people that I know are related to me like I can do on FamilyTreeDNA and then you posted this video! I just linked my first relative to me tree in Ancestry, and thanks to your helpful instructions it took me under a minute. Thank you!


Thank you for the information. This has allowed me to easily tell where my matches fit in my tree and have also aided in additional research of relatives.


I love doing this, I have over 12, 000 people in my tree now. I really like finding how I'm related to distant DNA matches it's really the best way to know your research is correct.


The thing that frustrates me the most is that instead of investing in a chromosome browser so we can check which people are valid matches Ancestry just decides to take away the low cm


Really useful, and I find it really satisfying linking matches to my tree. It also motivates me to FIND our common ancestors. Thanks Devon 🙂


I use the new feature as a short cut between my match list and tree but I agree it should appear in thru-lines and a chromosome browser is a must. As how to manage a DNA tree and a research tree with sources separate, please keep updating us because I haven’t found a practical way to manage both trees. A single large tree with ancestors plus descendants and multiple cousins to keep track of the DNA matches generates so many hints, it drives me crazy as well. Thanks for the video.


I kinda like it because it helps me know that I have added those people to my tree.


I am catching up on old videos. I am actually linking a 3rd cousin to my tree. I love how Devon had her wish list at the end and now 3 years later, many of those items are in Ancestry!


I did the two trees too, and removed all the spouses, etc from the DNA tree. It makes it more streamlined when I'm trying to triangulate. I'm trying to work on my bio tree, as I'm adopted, so I am using a ton of info to confirm.


Looks like they changed something with this functionality. I cannot find this anymore.


Once I've linked a match to the tree, am I supposed to see the icon and link when ordinarily navigating my tree? They only seem to appear when I click in from the match's page. I definitely wish they showed up in the tree with icons. For that matter, I wish the tags had a visual aspect too


Great video. I have an increasingly large tree on Ancestry ever since having had my grandpa DNA tested a few years ago (he's 102 and still going strong). When adding these distant cousins to the tree I make sure that I have cleared all of the hints before leaving them (and many might either go into the undecided list or get rejected if they are obviously wrong). This can be quite a lot of work because if you add new ancestors you often get children for them, spouses, and then further children and this can happen just when you think you're finished a whole lot of new people need to be added and their hints need to be cleared.

I like to be complete so it's hard to just say I'll leave them and get back to it later, because in all honesty they aren't my main focus of research and if I did that I probably wouldn't come back to them and it's best to do it when you have been working on that part of the family tree. Maybe this isn't the best approach, but I don't like having the hints appear in the drop down obscuring those I'm more interested in. I wish Ancestry would allow you to basically ignore hints from parts of your tree you aren't interested in, or rather allow only those you've added into that hint list for receiving hints.


I don’t know if this is the case, but I have a thought regarding the matches not showing up in Thru Lines (about 16 min into your video). I wonder if the matches don’t show due limited completion of the tree associated with their DNA. Perhaps if their tree was more complete, and included the common ancestor, maybe then they would appear on Thru Lines.

I have no idea how my suggestion would be tested.


Noticed the pink cursor color...nice touch. googled instructions:
How to Change the Cursor Color in Windows 10

Press " Windows Key + I " to open the Settings app.
Go to the " Ease of Access " page.
Go to the " Mouse pointer " page.
Select the " Custom " option under the " Change pointer color " section.
Choose one of the available colors.
To set a custom color, click on the " Pick a custom pointer color " button.
Select a color of your choice from the color picker and click " Ok ".


I really like linking folks DNA to my tree particularly the ability to hyperlink the connection in a message to the person you shares DNA with you. So many users do not know about this 2020 feature.
Like you, i wish it would show on other trees i manage. I have a tree to my biological maternal side and a different tree for biological paternal side. Ugh...even when i change the tree in settings, the links do NOT transfer.


Hey ! Thank you for explanation !
I have a question :
On MyHeritage, I got triangulation with SG And CH on chromo 15
With SG I also triangulation with JK but in chromo 10

I’ ve found in tree a couple ancestors… is it possible that chromo 15 is The GGGgrand father and 10 GGGgrandmother from this couple ?
Cause in tree of SG chromo 15 and JK chromo 10 same ancestors.. 🤔
