Physical Media Is NOT Dead

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Despite declining overall over the last decade, there is new evidence to suggest that in some areas, PHYSICAL MEDIA IS NOT DEAD! The UK's main high-street entertainment retailer, HMV, in fact has even claimed that their sales of DVD, Blu-Ray etc. are growing...


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I’ve had finding Nemo on every form of physical media from vhs to dvd to blu ray to 4k


The media sales decline was always expected once people built up their personal collections of classic film and television. The future demand will mainly come from new releases; Hollywood blockbuster and niche/independent releases and collectors editions.


Hollywood WISH physical media was dead but it's not. Physical media is owned, it can be sold second hand, it doesn't have a monthly cost and it's vastly better quality. I'm going to buy another bku ray player again soon.


Another high street store in the UK, WH Smith, have recently announced that they are to soon start selling records again. Can't wait!


I love still looking in physical media stores such as HMV and picking the movies and tv shows on dvd and having them in your hands and reading the back of them doing it on streaming is just not the same. Hope hmv and dvds stay around forever.


Physical media is essential whenever the internet is down or for people who live in areas where internet is scarce, not strong enough for streaming, can’t afford it or don’t bother with it


Of course Physical Media isn’t dead. It’s just a bunch of nobodies who are obsessed with streaming, AI, social media etc who say it is. You can’t watch your favourites if they’re not on Netflix or Disney+, can you? so the alternative is DVD and Blu-Ray which shouldn’t be taken for granted.


I've got lots of DVDs & I Love Physical Media.

My Mate has gone back to buying DVDs (mostly Marvel Films, that he is into).
And I've got him the sonic films on DVD for his 22nd Birthday (which is next week).


I still buy movies on blu-ray and dvd not just to watch the movie but to watch all bonus features after the movie as I do with my concert blu-rays and dvds


It might sound wild to still have new things coming out on DVD, but that's exactly what happens with long-running kids magical girl show Pretty Cure in Japan. Each year they have a whole new series and they release it on both Blu-Ray AND DVD!


I have thousands of DVD's of movies and series most cost me between £1 and £5 for second-hand DVD's Some of the old DVD's that I have are the unedited versions but modern versions of them have sections cut to appease the snowflakes that are offended by everything.


I'm very glad to hear this since I'm a big fan of physical media. I also love visiting HMV.


For the movie buff, physical media will always be the favourable option because of the novelty of owning a copy of the movie that they can put on a shelf in their house. Their movie collection is like a trophy cabinet to them.

I do find it odd that they moan about having to pay again for a movie when it disappears from one streaming platform and shows up on another, but they also keep buying the same movies on DVD, then Blu-ray, and then 4k.


Good thing about having physical media is we can have them all in one place and don't have to pay for bandwidth and having devices full of apps cluttering up our devices
Just look at the mess with the gaming section with Microsoft, Nintendo, sony they are just as back with Microsoft closing down the 360 store
The more these streaming services remove content by closing down there services the less money they make and us the consumers are profiting by saving money due to declining services


Sometimes whenever Oliver stays at my carer Wendy's house (who I live with) for a sleepover since Wendy is his nan, he would want to watch Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie, since Oliver likes Power Rangers, but as it's not on Netflix, nor Disney+, and Wendy wasn't willing to buy it on Amazon Prime, but as I had it on DVD, he would have to watch it in my bedroom since my TV is currently the only one to have a DVD Player. I did eventually find a way to watch DVDs on the downstairs TV though, by using my laptop with the disc player connected, I would play the DVDs on my laptop, and connect my laptop to the TV with my HDMI Cable, so the film can be watched on the TV, though still having to be controlled on the laptop, as the HDMI Cable only transmits the screen through to the TV. I'm having to makedo with this until I can get a DVD player for the downstairs TV at some point in the future, but it proves that old technology can still be useful.


Being someone who’s an 80’s kid. I used to love going to a video rental stores and looking at the box art for films and that used to sell me on films. I love physical media. I love owning steelbook’s and the box art that comes with it. I can spend hours in HMV browsing through the Blu-ray and 4K area.


Streaming services are destroying movie sales. Those big budget movies get their sales from physical media like Top Gun 2, Barbie, and Jurassic World movies. Sales don't come from streaming services. If I'm a streaming service subscriber, i would cancel more often. Then return when I want to. Just how do the movie industries get their sales from me? Only physical media get their sales volumes from me.


I still buy CDs, the music I like is not all available on streaming platforms, and I like to have an uncompressed pristine copy of the music that I love


For sure it is not death, here in Germany you can buy CDs, its normal even in 2024.


DVDs are definitely still worth buying and selling. I am quite attached to the DVDs I DO have (some of which are 20 years old) and my new TV capable of 4K and HDR (for gaming) has a 'corrective' or active upscale feature. I have a DVD of a 20-year old Jackie Chan movie that we watched for movie night recently and the TV was able to upscale it for its size and pixel volume quite nicely.
