An Impossible Challenge?! | RLCraft Hardcore Ep. 1

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In this series I've gotta survive the RLCraft Minecraft modpack in hardcore mode. It's seen some major updates since last time so it should be fresh and definitely really easy.

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Sorry I know it got a bit framey at parts. It was just in the recording and not the game itself so I didn't notice until after the episode was complete but I didn't want to reshoot and pretend it was the first go. It's fixed for the next episode. Dumb GPU.


God i miss let's play style content like this. It's been years, words can't express how excited I am to watch this whole series!


Very excited for a classic authentic Minecraft series :) breath of fresh air


I’m literally sooo excited for this series. Rediscovered this channel after watching the video about the YouTube algorithm and this type of content is so refreshing. I love that this just feels real and not like the hyperactive kids letsplays that have become popular recently.


the framey bits make it more authentic and nostalgic honestly, i love it.


it's pretty cool the fact that you genuinely enjoy playing the game after playing for these 10+ years. Excited to see where you take the series and the new channel changes :D


brings back so many memories watching a video like this, hyped to watch the rest of this series!


I love this! Super cool to see you getting into this again! Glad you're enjoying the new updates, which of course we definitely made 69420% easier in 2.9 so don't worry, hardcore ez pz :) For real though, 2 years of work and a 30+ page changelog, there's a LOT of new stuff to discover and I hope you have a blast man <3

Side note, the quest system is there for people who like direction and achievements, helps as a guide too! And yes the rewards are all hats, purely cosmetic, as I didn't want it to effect balance of gameplay. The little hat icon next to your character has a hat storage to store all your hats so they don't take up inventory space ^^ Enjoy!

p.s. 12:13 all the ideas >:)


A couple tips for playing RLcraft:
1: you can make a wood/stone shield, very useful to prevent headshots from skeletons
2: Do not use vanilla weapons, instead craft things from the Spartan Weaponry mod as they are almost always better. Personally I prefer a saber (2x damage on mobs that are not wearing a chestplate so pretty much everything). Alternatively, you can go for a halberd or battleaxe but choose what fits your playstyle.
3: Sleeping regenerates health on all body parts so if you are hurt that is a way to heal without bandages.


Hey Jordan, the Geo guys that pop out are best to attack with a pickaxe, it does way for damage for them specifically


My god Jordan, I have been watching you for years and to finally see you come back to a let's play, I am so happy. Can't wait to see how it grows, but please enjoy what you do as well!


While I respect everything you've done to be promoted in the algorithm, watching a let's play by you in 2022 is such a nice return to form.

Despite that, only make the content that you enjoy making. Whether it be let's plays like back in the day, or like the content you have been putting out more recently. Keep it up CaptainSparklez!


Hey mr Sparkles this will probably be buried in the sea of comments but I do appreciate that you're returning back to this style of content. I've missed this from every creator who has changed their style. Its so refreshing even with the frame rate lowering its just nostalgic. Thank you


CaptainSparklez I watched you as a child and I can’t explain the nostalgia I’m getting right now. Keep it up man


Much as I enjoy watching you play competitively (and I really do enjoy it), your Let's Play style videos are what got me hooked on YouTube. I've missed them Captain. happy to see you relaxed and enjoying yourself. I can tell these are going to be such fun to watch! P.S. I've been watching since Jerry's Tree. :)


Damn Ive forgotten how relaxing your voice can be to listen to in the background while I get work done. Also, perfect length of video for this return to series format.


This brings back so much nostalgia, fr- i love how you're doing what you love again, and you sound so much more cheerful ❤


I thoroughly enjoyed all 12 frames of this video


There's something about the old school style which I'll just never forget, love this


Im so glad RLCraft is back, it was such a fun series to watch when it first came out.
