A New Science of Morality | Jonathan Haidt [Edge 2010]

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University of Virginia psychologist Jonathan Haidt's research indicates that morality is a social construction which has evolved out of raw materials provided by five (or more) innate "psychological" foundations: Harm, Fairness, Ingroup, Authority, and Purity. Highly educated liberals generally rely upon and endorse only the first two foundations, whereas people who are more conservative, more religious, or of lower social class usually rely upon and endorse all five foundations.

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About Haidt's take on autism and Western philosophy (20:44), one could argue that ''autism' is not necessarily the best interpretive frame. Those on the autism spectrum, as he notes, have lower than average cognitive empathy (theory of mind, mind-reading).

Yet the WEIRD have higher than average cognitive empathy, as it relates to literacy and novel reading. Prevalence of cognitive empathy has increased in the Western world over time, that is to say as it's become more WEIRD.

It is true that an interesting link might be made between the autistic systematizing tendency and certain Western philosophers. But even then, I don't know that most Western philosophers are systematizers. There are also the bricoleurs who are quite common.
