UK Garden Birds Feeding on a Rainy Summer Day - Collared Dove, Greenfinches and more...

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A variety of UK garden birds feeding from feeders on a rainy summer day. It was interesting to see how the Greenfinch (at 2:28) removes and discards the husk from a sunflower seed before eating the kernel inside. Once the rain stops, a Collared Dove and Goldfinch can be seen at the end of the video perched on branches swaying in the wind.

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Классно, что подкармливаете братьев наших меньших!!! Шум дождя завораживает!


What a treat to see rain! Haven't had any in 45 consecutive days of 33-39C here in Croatia. The situation is dire and our land is scorched. Wildfires are a constant worry.

We enjoy our green finches, hawfinches, chaffinches, long-tailed tits, blackbirds, green woodpeckers, Bob Whites and robins who are STILL around in spite of severe drought. We feed and water them often.

Thank you for this!


Thank you My Birding Year for as always a wonderful video. I think we forget that birds need to eat come rain or come shine. I love to watch the male Greenfinch discarding the husks, do they never clean up after themselves 😅
I smiled so much watching the Collard Dove and Goldfinch clinging onto the tree while being swayed by the wind. Absolutely wonderful, thank you again.
Have a lovely rest of the weekend 😊


Great video, I took some pictures the other day were I live round a lake, and got 2 birds I was unfamiliar with, turns out they were Egyptian Geese’, I must have been hiding under a rock for yrs, c l o l cheers shane uk 🇬🇧


could do with some rain in e. yorkshire
