Spiritually Saturated Songs | Apostle Joshua Selman

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Your atmosphere is really important for you to achieve anything tangible.
This video contain a high tensed spiritual songs, which is sang at different occasions by Apostle Joshua Selman of Eternity Network International, aka Koinonia.

Play this video anywhere and anytime and watch how impactful it will touch your soul.

The songs also have lyrics for you proper understanding and so you can sing along.
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Our little son is both mentally and physically disabled His diagnosis is Downs syndrome and he’s autistic as well He’s doesn’t know anything about our Saviour or so I thought !………One day I went down to check on him in his room He had his little hands raised toward the the ceiling He smiled with the biggest smile and said Yahweh ! The out pouring of joy filled my heart and my Soul because my son can’t speak but he was praising his Saviour in the only way he knew how too Blessed is the God !! we serve today


I need to watch this daily... Someone please like my comment.


1:57 king of kings
5:31 Elohim
6:12 Let the weight of your glory fall
9:16 It's the realm of your glory
10:38 No shadow you won't light up
11:23 Reckless love of God
12:09 Amen Amen
18:25 I'm under the shadows of you wings
20:03 More love
20:01 Yeshua
22:53 we will pray until we're change
24:09 Emmanuel
25:14 O rest on me
27:38 You take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good
29:17 we look to Yahweh
30:12 Same power that conquered the grave lives in me
31:17 The sun will not smit you by day
32:04 Breath upon my life
33:12 We will sing hallelujah till you come again
33:45 I overcome hallelujah
34:17 Yakare
34:48 We bow down and say your God
39:30 I will be still and know you are God
41:22 Yahweh sabaoth 🎶
45:30 when the glory comes.
47:23 Lord your holy .
49:02 kings of kings
52:42 we look to yawheh


I came here today to thank God for blessing my family with my grandmother, she is over 102 years old and a great witness of the Lord. She is ready to transition to heaven and I pray the Lord grants her eternal peace🙏🙏🙏


My God give me an encounter tonight, it is my turn. Give me and my children and my son in laws and my grandchildren an encounter tonight, it is our turn. Give me a new heart in Jesus mighty name, amen


The anxiety is gone in Jesus name . Lord help me to be still and know that you are God


God let me my Husband and all my children experience your grace and power in our lives in Jesus name ❤❤❤❤ 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


I'm here September 9th 2024...To Yahuah be the glory


It is early morning & I want to praise God for my new grandson born afew hours ago. Thank you Lord for my grandson fresh from Heaven. Im singing in my kitchen 4am ❤❤ the joy oh LORD .. I am blessed.


Am here 18th October 2024, Lord 🙏 no more untimely death in my family. Lord I shall not loose any of my blood prematurely again, through this worship arise for me cos I can't do it again. Lord if you let me go through this again I will not survive and so I will my families, our lives, fight for the fatherless.. come to our rescue..rescue us from the lions den. Destroy every delay, wickedness and not being favoured in my life and that of my family... Amen.


Spirit break out
Heavens come down
Break our walls down
Heal our infirmities
Touch our situations
We look to YAHWEH
Forever YAHWEH


Father, please change the narrative and give me just one testimony dat will silence my enemies.. I am being mocked 😭😭😭


I have peace within me listening to apostle Joshua voice🙏🏼


God I’m trusting you for just one miracle, my life is a mess now 😭😭😭💔, my heart is so broken lord . Lord fix me


August 2nd 2024 who is listening? I'm here🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


We will pray until we are changed
We will stay are changed
We will stay until we are formed


The great blessing that ever happened in my life is being connected with this great and humble man, ,, apostle Joshua selman and koinonia family, , , much love from kenya my people 🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪


My God let me and my children and my son in laws and my grandchildren experience your mercy and your wonder working power concerning our names, lives, paths, future, health, finances, business, careers, families, my children marriages, approvals and all that concerns us in Jesus mighty name, amen. Let the weight of your glory fall, let it cover all that concerns us in Jesus mighty name, amen


I listen to this DAILY, and am happy 😊


October 9th 2024 at midnight full of God's presence 🙏 ✨️
