a life in the English Countryside 🌞🍃

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a new chapter of life! learning to slow down and become one with nature 🍃 ig: @leahsfieldnotes

💌 s o c i a l s

☎️ p o d c a s t

🎵 music
- i loved you then & I love you still cover by @heidiholzer & @maeholzer

🥕 volunteer @worthy_earth

🍤 vegan crab cake
- 1 can of palm hearts (approx 410g)
- 1 can chickpeas (approx 400g)
- 2 cloves of garlic (or more muahahah)
- 1/2 white onion
- 1 spring onion
- 1 small lemon juiced
- 2 nori sheets (ripped to small pieces)
-1/4 cup vegan mayo
- 1 cup bread crumbs
- 2 tsp fresh dill ( & more!)
- 2 tsp parsley ( or more! )
- 3 tsp cornflour
- 2 tsp cajun seasoning (or paprika etc.)
- 2 tsp dijon mustard
- oil for frying
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I think so many people cried during this video and felt it was so amazing is because this is how we SHOULD live. In nature, with community, connected to the food we eat, sharing music. This is how so many of us dream to live. I live in England but unfortunately in a much more deprived way. So happy for this family and so grateful to get a glimpse, thank you Leah💚


Being invited to their house to live AND also join their family trip is one thing, but actually having the courage to say YES for these opportunities is another thing. My antisocial self could never. Leah is such a ray of sunshine, and she is so open-minded, no wonder she attracts similarly lovely people.


The English countryside seems peaceful and calm. Leah is as stunning as always. She just shines wherever she wishes to go. We all hope she attains more success along the way.


I adore your storytelling, I feel like you’ve really grown into your own editing style and it makes your memories feel so vivid


Watching this felt like traveling the world, and getting a glimpse of what happiness and peace looks like, all while resting still on my bed. It was magical ☁️


How are those girls you stayed with so incredibly talented at everything?! Farming, drawing, music, flexibility and strength. I want to be in their world!


This is by far one of the best videos I’ve everrr encountered on YouTube. I found myself just crying throughout without knowing it. The gentle simplicity and joy of these moments is so inspiring. This life you’ve found is so amazing, it is all I want for myself. The community you’ve joined and the way you’re living life humbly with friends and the Earth is so stunning.


your ability and comfort in making new friends so quickly and immersing yourself into brand new environments is such a big inspiration for me. I have autism and selective mutism and seem to think if I don’t have friends now, I will never be able to make any friends and i will be stuck like this forever. but your videos give me SO much more confidence and teach me not to be scared of putting myself out there. it is such a joy to watch how well you interact with others <3


Hello Leah. I'm from Iran and these days were protesting and after a long night I just wake up and I have low internet connection but I watch this vedio and I just wanna say this vedio made my day. That's very peaceful. I hope one day I can live like this. We love you.


what a peaceful vlog🥹😍so happy to see you doing well. growing your own food sounds so nice😩


i feel like this video encompasses all the best and purest parts of being human: being in nature, being in community, sharing music and art, growing food right from the earth, and petting doggos of course❤


Personally this was my favourite episode of yours ever! There was something so incredibly wholesome about this English family and the way you so effortlessly joined them and made a space for yourself in their lives, was just really beautiful to me. Thanks for sharing <3


I´m literally crying right now. This video makes me so happy and sad at the same time. Sometimes I forget how beautiful life can be. Thank you for sharing this!! much love and a lovely day everyone!!


The church bells sounded heavenly, along with you guys just chilling in the river. How everyone shares their art and is open and welcoming. What a beautiful way to live😭🙏🏼✨


I absolutely loved seeing you grow this year. You’ve had so many ups and down and yet you followed your heart and took the bad times as lessons which only made you a better person. I can’t wait to see what this new chapter in your life takes you ❤


This was so magical to watch, I can't even point out my favourite part 😭 the camp was so magical there's nothing like family and community 🥺 my dream is to settle down in the countryside and have a little garden were my kids can play around all day, also a dog and a cat would be awesome. Keep doing what you do ❤


Leah in country side is what I really need today 🥺🤍🍃


i'm from the english countryside and have recently moved to montreal to study for a year. it's beautiful to see you love the things i take for granted while also exploring a part of the world i knew only through your vlogs:) this video made me miss home in the best way possible. look after it while i'm away!! x


Leah is delivering wholesome content as always and showing us that is doesn’t take a lot to be self-sufficient, environment-friendly and all that good stuff. She deserves all the joy in the world for all the happiness she brings to us as her viewers. Enjoy your stay Leah! Have a wonderful October <3


cried watching this. this video is beautiful leah, most probably my favorite of yours (but it’s hard to choose). i love how you capture and embrace the essence of everywhere you go, you do it in such a loving and respecting way it’s admirable. this video made me feel so safe, knowing there’s people still living off the earth and gathering the family in such a special way makes me have hope. i hope i can one day experience something like that. thank you for your videos leah.
