We moved. (pt 1)

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You have built a beautiful community of friends and family which is a tribute to you and the quality of your friendship.


I love the family and community you have around you. It’s something that I have always wanted but unfortunately never had. ❤


Having flashbacks of Derik loading the truck in Hawaii to move to Utah. So good to see everybody “pitching” in- like the pitch to Sarah’s head😂 patiently waiting for more fun and games part 2😘


Woah Jack is so good at catching. I feel he is going to be a natural at sports when he is older.


I am so confused you guys literally just went through this and moved into your other house now you've bought another house but for some reason, Derek needed to go surfing before you guys packed and now you have two days to pack an entire house and then go to Disney I am so full of stress just listening to this. I have no idea what's going on


This is absolutely crazy...just bought a house...getting a different house...without selling of first house, I would be absolutely stressed to the max....an all the trips!


My college coach always said “look good, feel good, play good.” I think that applies to all aspects of life “look good, feel good, perform good”


When Jack is a famous football player you will have video to share of when he was little! 😊


Seeing Sarah stuck behind the tub was hilarious and the fact that you got a photo of it…😅 That will be one of those moments to remember when your reminiscing about your family life. Looking forward to seeing your new house! 😊


If you guys have so much money to purchase another home why don’t you hire a moving crew to help? It would make things way less stressful.


I would not want to have moved again so soon. They had a beautiful home but it's their life to make decisions. Hopefully this is the house for them.


I feel like I can't keep up with any Beestons anymore who's moving & to where I would think you guys would want to settle already and give the kids some stability soon. I'm really not trying to be rude just thinking about them growing up moving all the time after making friends in one place unless you homeschool them? IDK if I offended y'all I do apologize . ✌💜🙃🙏

*edit the Beestons meaning Sarah, Lauren, Tanner & Derik along with the kids have ALL moved a lot in the last 3 years. Hawaii a few times then Utah a few times. Personally I can't keep up with who's moving where anymore it is a lot IDK who would argue it isn't?! For the kids it could be fun getting a new room and a new place to play they don't understand anything yet and they don't need to - let them be kids. For the adults IMO it's a lot to deal with and great that they all come from strong, dedicated loving families who are willing to jump in and help anytime it's needed!💜I would lose something every time I moved, moving just sucks. And finding stability isn't an insult, finding stability means having routine, having structure which they have great structure their kids a are very well taken care of and loved, constantly being taught new things. All 4 of them are amazing parents I wish I had parents like them growing up!! They have great friend group and seems like everyones got kids around the same age which is soo cool just imagine the parties all the kids 🥳So this is a break down of what I was saying in my initial comment. It's not meant to be rude at all it's me a viewer who only sees random videos from all the Beestons back before there were any babies. I respect them and their decisions I'm simply saying I can't keep up they're all always doing so much. If it's what works for them then awesome I'm happy for them, I will still watch their videos and comment my opinions, questions or support if I want to just like all of you. There's no need to be rude towards anyone this is a fun family page let's keep it that way and act like adults if you are over 18. Thanks ✌💜🙃🙏


Oh my goodness Sarah!🤣 First the ball to the face, then getting stuck behind the tub. You were having quite the day!


Don’t get me wrong love y’all but I cannot watch yall move again. Buy condos in the places you want to frequent and have a home base you can rent the condos out when you’re not using them and they’ll pay for themselves. But as someone who is currently struggling it’s hard to watch yall being constantly unsatisfied with what I could only dream of.


Omgosh, my daughter and I just moved cross country and packing literally brutal. So glad you had help


WoW… it feels like i just watched Dereck in Hawaii not able to fit everything in the trailer and Sarah having to reorganize it.😂… and now you’re moving again! 😄


I knew her hair was going to turn blonde because when she was born she had one blonde streak in her hair. She is so adorable.


I moved with a 7 year old and 11 day old. .... perfectly packed and organized moved in a day and unpacked by the next but bedrooms were unpacked the day we moved .... we needed two of the biggest u hauls but we out our br in first then leas then the baby's so the baby's was first out. .... I'm just very clean meticulous and organized. I don't understand not packing before the move ... I mean u really the week or 2 before need every dish glass pot pan and piece of clothing? Knick knacks and wall art? Nope .... work smarter guys not harder. Also I never let anyone help me unpack, ever


people in the comment hating about the children not getting stability but i feel like the kids are not in achool yet so it's the best time for them to try out new houses and new locatikns. i say go sarah and derik!! they are a couple who loves travelling and they have the money so why not


This is a couple that thrives on confusion. She says it always keeps happening to you but you keep doing it to yourselves. These traits will be passed along. Personally, I don’t like confusion or conflict.
