Psalm 3 in Hebrew with English translation

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Psalm 3 is a desperate cry for help, praise from the lips of David. God rescued him from the grip of his foes as they sought his life. This poem is full of hope and assurance in God's miraculous salvation amidst great danger.

מִזְמוֹר לְדָוִד בְּבָרְחוֹ מִפְּנֵי אַבְשָׁלוֹם בְּנוֹ
יהוה מָה־רַבּוּ צָרָי רַבִּים קָמִים עָלָי
רַבִּים אֹמְרִים לְנַפְשִׁי אֵין יְשׁוּעָתָה לּוֹ בֵאלֹהִים סֶלָה
וְאַתָּה יהוה מָגֵן בַּעֲדִי כְּבוֹדִי וּמֵרִים רֹאשִׁי
קוֹלִי אֶל־יהוה אֶקְרָא וַיַּעֲנֵנִי מֵהַר קָדְשׁוֹ סֶלָה
אֲנִי שָׁכַבְתִּי וָאִישָׁנָה הֱקִיצוֹתִי כִּי יהוה יִסְמְכֵנִי
לֹא־אִירָא מֵרִבְבוֹת עָם אֲשֶׁר סָבִיב שָׁתוּ עָלָי
קוּמָה יהוה הוֹשִׁיעֵנִי אֱלֹהַי כִּי־הִכִּיתָ אֶת־כָּל־אֹיְבַי לֶחִי שִׁנֵּי רְשָׁעִים שִׁבַּרְתָּ
לַיהוה הַיְשׁוּעָה עַל־עַמְּךָ בִרְכָתֶךָ סֶּלָה

A psalm of David as he fled from Avshalom, his son.
ADONAI (LORD), How many are my foes,
How many are those that rise up against me
Many say about my life;
There will be no salvation from God for him, Selah
But you ADONAI (LORD) are a shield for me,
My glory, one who lifts up my head

With my voice to ADONAI (LORD), I cried out,
And he answered me from his holy hill, Selah
I laid down and restfully slept, then I awoke as ADONAI (LORD) lifted me
I will not be afraid of the multitudes who surrounded me on every side
Arise ADONAI (LORD), oh my God, and deliver me
On their faces, you stuck my enemies, shattered teeth of the wicked
To ADONAI (LORD) salvation belongs, and his blessing rests on his people, Selah
(Translation by Pinchas Shir)

#Psalms in Hebrew, #Tehillim, #תהילים,
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First Lament First Selah in the Psalms


This is lovely Pinchas. Keep up the good work.😊


I am enthralled and comforted by your reading of the Psalms. I had never heard them spoken before ~


first time i heard Hebrew bring read... the background music could have been softer, smoother and serene. thanks for this.


I have listened to your reading and following the words, absolutely beautiful . Something stood out finally for me. I just checked with other Psalms and I see either it is not there that word or it is at the end of a psalm. Could you please explain why in this psalm the word “Sela” appears during the text. Thank you for all your hard work you put in so that we can hear the words in the original language.


King of israel composed many poetry word to said adonay help come


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