Why I am now a Christian

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I used to go out with a girl who described herself as an Atheist Catholic. I asked her "Why not just Atheist?" She replied "I enjoy the guilt."


And she converted everyone else to Christianity without them even knowing. That is some next level miracle!


I am no longer a non stamp collector, now I am an stamp collector.
When I say I am an stamp collector, I do not mean I am an stamp collector in the narrow sense. I still do not own a single stamp.
I mean I am an stamp collector in the idea of the value of collecting, which is exclusive to stamp collecting. So anyone that has ever collected anything is an stamp collector, and as such I am one.


"Ali didn't convert herself to Christianity, she converted Christianity to herself"

Spoken like a poet 👌


I congratulate you on your conversion…
and my conversion…and all my Buddhist, Muslim, and Pagan friends for their very miraculous conversion. I had always thought that being a Christian involved some level of commitment like getting Baptized, talking to a priest, or even just having some level of knowledge about Christ’s resurrection. I’m sure glad I didn’t have to do any of that. I am so excited to spread the new good news that the kingdom is yours if you happen to be a part of western culture. Hallelujah! Praise…what’s his name? Doesn’t matter. She is the second coming of the Messiah for this revelation will surely result in world peace and not further division.


Is she trying to win a sophistry award? Otherwise I’m really finding it difficult to accept that even she believes her own reasoning.


I immediately am thinking "So, she's going the Jordan Peterson route of redefining it to such a useless point it no longer resembles itself" so it sure is damn amazing how dishonest she has decided to be.


It's ironic. The central thrust of Russell's original essay was that you can't just define as Christian any decent person and then claim that we have a Christian society. A hundred years later, Ali is like "Well, actually. . ."


I hate clickbatey titles that don't deliver. That's why I ADORE videos like this one, that start out sounding like clickbait that can't be delivered on, but then provide context in which the title makes absolute sense.
Well done.


Welp, I can't argue with that logic. If we stretch any definition far enough anyone can be anything. We're watching true genius at work


Ali's concept of Christianity reminds of a text by Bertrand Russell in which he mentioned a person who claimed that the term “socialist” applied to any person who thought that the (then) current forms of government were unfair.


All due scorn to the 'convert' here, but I just want to highlight the audience member who asked that question, and by doing so forced her to so thoroughly expose herself for what she is. That was a great question, at the perfect moment.


My ex wife’s evangelical parents had the same argument 30 years ago when they discovered that their daughter had married an atheist. It was all down hill from there.😂


I was approached by a Coptic Christian in Cairo a couple of years back. He wanted to know what religion I was. When I answered that I disbelieved them all equaly he stepped right over that and asked what religion my parents were, to which he replied "Aha, I thought you were a Christian!" We only chatted for a few minutes but it was very revealing about how people view religion, particularly in societies which have higher levels of sectarian pressure than our own dear bastion of enlightenment.


Ali: I’m a Christian.
Inigo: I don’t think that word means what you think it means.


I’m now a Christian because it’s the trendy thing to do.


Ali isn't just a former atheist turned Christian. Oh no. She did something a lot more incredible, and I dare say miraculous. She turned all of us living in the west into Christians! Hallelujah brothers and sisters!


Some people will do/say anything to become/remain popular/relevant. She's one of those people.


Her response to that woman boils down to: "The statistics say that there is less than 50% of our country that are Christian, but this doesn't suit my narrative, so I'm going to just have to assume that the numbers are secretly higher than that."

She's basically admitting to the dishonest interpretation of facts.


"Rather than converting to Christianity, she's converted Christianity to herself" - wow! But in a way that's absolutely true. All she's doing is labelling everything she agrees with as "Christian" and everything she doesn't agree with as "Muslim" - or maybe as some unspecified other. I'm really glad I never heard of her as an atheist until this month. I cannot imagine her writings on atheism can have been very profound. Just a reaction to her Islamic upbringing.
