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Today, Flush will look into some of the most POPULAR ROBLOX GAMES to see what could have been their inspiration! What are the SECRETS between BROOKHAVEN, TOWER of HELL, and even the MIMIC? From the truth of the MEN in BLACK, ALIENS, and even real life DEATH GAMES, its time to investigate!

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honestly the fact this guy giggles, laughs, says things wrong, does the wrong things, is what makes it funny. This guy is like over 18 and i am a pre-teen. Imagine.


Brookhaven used to be a alien anvasion....


Cassie: you not Gregory what are you
The mimic: THE MIMIC


For the adopt me one it was just designed to be a normal game. But it has a little bit of lore. So Burt who runs the shack at the camp was actually a scientist and he tested on pets, so one day Burt accidentally swapped brains with a dog. The dog became Sir woofington and became an intelligent dog who gives eggs to starters and Burt now runs a shop in the camp


Actually I think the mimic is Japan story about two sister who was really poor. (I forgot some part of the story/let say the two sister is named Youi and the other one is called Chan-San [I really don’t know Japan names]) Chan-San was acting suspicious and Youi thought Chan-San was eating food without her (as I said idk the story it been a long time since I played that). So, Youi was really mad and k!lled her sister. Turn out Chan-San was saving money for the both of them. Youi regret what she did and I guess she k!lled herself and turn into a spirit (If you guys know the true story pls tell me. It been long since I played the mimic) (Or that probably not throw the story goes). Pls tell me how r the true story goes. Thank whoever tell me-


Cmon man! You're growing quick! Keep going!


*for the toh backstory, laser technology is not yet advanced enough to cut off stuff or burn stuff*


Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the fact that flush works so hard and risks his account for us, what a true man.


It’s always a good day when flush uploads 😌😌😌😌😌


You deserve more sub for how much work you put into these videos


Great video again Flush! You're doing a great job and I hope you achieve your goals :)


4:28 the creator of that is the creator of the vr headset/octolus quest I think, and he just made it for fun and it will never be onsale


His vids are awesome and interesting he doesn't scream too he laughs like a cool guy😎


Dang, ten hours ago?your working so hard!!


Your a good creator what I’m saying your awesome ( also I’m sure that the vr headset will never be released prob cuz lots of deaths could happen and it’s prob stupid illegal and if he try’s I think he might go to jail )


Okay as a The Mimic fan I am furious about iwindowl's explanation about The Mimic's Backstory. There is some backstory, but its just lore about the game.

The Mimic Lore:
One day, a kid named Hiachi stumbled upon a Sakura Tree. She decided to approach it, but then a black dress girl with pale white facial skin and a black hat approaches her with her long fingernails. Hiachi decided to try and befriend her. Only for the black dress girl to Curse Her. Hiachi had a doll, its name was Shaku. Shaku was a special doll, since it also got cursed. She is now a human with plastic skin and robotic movement. Soon, Hiachi's entire Bloodline/Family would die to the curse of the black dressed girl.

About the Black dressed girl, her name is Control said by the Fandom, or Sama named by Hiachi. She is the Evil God of Control.

Mimic Lore from the Wiki: (warning this is long)

In the time of the great Edo Period, Hiachi was a frail yet playful little girl. Hiachi loved her mother, Futaomote, very dearly, although she wasn't the best at times. The village had shunned them both, they considered the family insane. It was different living that kind of lifestyle, especially while raising a beautiful eight-year-old daughter.

Hiachi was very lonely, as she had no friends to play with. However, her mother found a little doll in a Sakura forest. Her mother gave it to Hiachi, she instantly loved her and named her 'Shaku'. Hiachi only had one friend and that friend was Shaku, from the beginning 'till the end. Hiachi would always enjoy playing with her doll, talking to her as if she were an actual human being. Well, little did she know that her doll was human before.

A few of the village children used to bully Hiachi due to her mother and her own issues. They would ignore her and tease her for her mother's problems. They would also call her names and throw rocks at her spelling "EVIL" but she would always run away from them without being harmed. Hiachi was very sad because she was being bullied, but the thing that would always cheer her up was her doll friend Shaku.

One day, things changed for the "better."

Hiachi was out within the woods playing with her little doll made of lead. Suddenly, the land began to shake right from beneath her feet! Hiachi looked around, knowing that something was wrong somewhere, somehow. She did not know what to do, for it was her first time with a calamity askew. She grabbed Shaku by her little head, while running faster than she ever thought she could. Hiachi ran and ran until she slipped through a crack, her vision became blurry, ending with black.

She awoke within fate's grasp, the world bathed her in pink and red. For once, she wished that she had stayed in bed rather than dealing with this instead. She stood there with her little head, her eyes wandering every corner of the cavern. Hiachi stayed there from dusk 'till dawn in pure amazement...

The cave was bigger than any habitual cave, there was a vast Sakura tree before her very eyes. The tree, immersed in chains, had a tall black figure lain across it. Suddenly, the figure began to form before Hiachi's eyes, the figure looked very similar to her mother. Hiachi was astonished while looking at the figure's beauty.

She then asked the figure, "Who are you...?" The figure stared at the little girl full of curiosity, "I have no name." the figure replied. Hiachi smiled while saying, "Then your name should be Sama! Because you look almost like my mama." the figure was a bit confused but accepted the name of what Hiachi named her regardless.

Hiachi, Shaku and Sama all spent their time in the cave together. Hiachi, so young yet feeble, didn't notice the amount of time passing by 'or even her time ticking each day that went by'.

One day, Hiachi was playing around with Shaku in the tree when suddenly Sama reached up and held Hiachi in her arms. Hiachi giggle while asking, "Can you spin me in a circle, Sama?"

Sama took the girl while spinning around and around, Hiachi held her arms up joyfully as she saw a blue butterfly fluttering nearby. Sama then held Hiachi close to herself while seeming sad.

Hiachi looked up at Sama and asked, "What is wrong, Sama...?" Sama looked down at the little girl, gazing at how frail she was. Sama had longed to take Hiachi's soul, but she needed trust. She smiled while saying, "My dearest Hiachi... we are family, are we not?" Hiachi nodded in agreement, for she considered Sama her sincere mother.

"Can you do me a favour, my darling Hiachi?" Sama asked Hiachi. Hiachi confusedly asked, "Sama, what is a favor?" "Well... a favor is like doing something nice for someone..." replied Sama. She took Hiachi and showed her the paper seal that laid on the tree for longevity.

Hiachi stared at the paper while trying to read the message asserted across the paper, she could only make out a few letters before Sama asked, "My dearest Hiachi... can you please take this paper off the tree so we can move around freely...? I promise you eternal joy..."

Hiachi nodded in agreement, not knowing she was within the grasp of Kintoru's [Sama or Control] maw. Carefully, Hiachi took the paper off little by little. Kintoru laughed as the little girl suddenly fell, her vision blurred. "My dearest Hiachi, you're frail yet full of beauty, such youth one would be blessed for! A victim of truth, yes, whom is to couch for? You're only family had disgracefully become full of insanity. Your mother was once abnormal but now she's a mere mortal with the other assemblages. Your desire is to see your mother again, is it not?"

Hiachi cried while saying, "Yes... I miss my mama..." Sama grinned vigorously and replied in a booming voice, "Your wish is my command and you will never escape fate's hand. I promised you eternal joy, but this family was merely a decoy. After you suffered from calamity, your family will last for eternity as my marionettes" .

Hiachi's vision suddenly become dark as she lay on the floor lifeless.

Hiachi, suffered miserably whole being under the "care" of Kintoru, as a puppet. Thankfully she had her mother to comfort her.

320 years later after the events of the girl and the witch, Hiachi was sent by Kintoru [Sama or Control] to follow and kill her descendant, Yasu Masashige [Protagonist or the Player]. From the school to the maze in the city. Hiachi does not want to hurt anyone but she cannot help it as she is under Sama's control. While Yasu traveled through the school basement, Hiachi cried for her mother and chased Yasu throughout her maze.

After Yasu kills Kintoru [Sama or Control], Hiachi, her mother and the rest of the family are freed from Kintoru's clutches and can live happily together in the afterlife finally resting in peace.


The virtual boy be like: aww yeah they all dead


The guy is incorrect. Here is the actual lore: In the time of the great Edo Period, Hiachi was a frail yet playful little girl. Hiachi loved her mother, Futaomote, very deeply, although she wasn't the best at times. The village had shunned both of them. They considered the little family insane. It was difficult living that kind of lifestyle, especially while raising a beautiful eight-year-old daughter.

Meeting The Unknown Doll

Hiachi was very lonely, as she had no friends to play with. However, her mother, Futaomote, found a little doll in a Sakura Forest. Her mother gave it to Hiachi. She instantly loved her, and she named her Shaku. Hiachi only had one friend, and that friend was Shaku, from the beginning till the end. Hiachi would always enjoy playing with her doll, talking to her as if she were an actual human being. Well, little did she know that her doll was a human before.

Being Bullied

A few of the villager children used to bully Hiachi due to her mother and Hiachi's own issues. They would throw rocks at her with the letters "E V I L, " but she would always find a way to escape from harm's grasp.

The "Better"

One day, things changed for the "better."

Hiachi was out within the woods playing with her little doll made of lead. Suddenly, the land began to shake right from beneath her feet! Hiachi looked around and around, knowing that something was wrong somewhere, somehow. She did not know what to do. For it was her first time with a calamity askew. She grabbed Shaku by her little head while running faster than she ever thought she could. Hiachi ran and ran until she slipped through a crack. Her vision became blurry, ending with black.

The Shelter Cavern

She awoke within fate's grasp. The world bathed her in pink and red. For once, she wished that she had stayed in bed rather than dealing with this instead. She stood up with Shaku while looking far up above. Chains engulfed the pink and red. She stood there with her little head, her eyes wandering every corner of the cavern. Hiachi stayed there from dusk till dawn in pure amazement.

Meeting The Tall Black Figure

This cave was bigger than any habitual cave. There was a vast Sakura tree before her very eyes. The tree, immersed in chains, had a tall black figure lain across it. Suddenly, the figure began to form before Hiachi's very eyes. The figure looked very similar to her mother. Hiachi was astonished while looking at the figure's beauty.

She then asked the figure, "Who are you...?" The figure stared at the little girl full of curiosity.

"I have no name, " the figure replied.

Hiachi smiled while saying, "Then your name shall be Sama! Because you look almost like my mama, " the black figure was a bit confused but accepted the name of what Hiachi named her regardless.

Happiness & Enjoyment

Hiachi, Shaku, and Kintoru all spent their time in the cave together. Hiachi, so young yet feeble, didn't notice the amount of time passing by. Or even her time ticking each day that went by.

Happiness Doesn't Last Forever

One day, Hiachi was playing around with Shaku in the tree when suddenly Kintoru reached up and held Hiachi in her arms.

Hiachi giggled while asking, "Can you spin me in a circle Sama?"

Kintoru took the little girl while spinning around and around. Hiachi held her arms up joyfully as she saw a blue butterfly fluttering nearby. Kintoru then held Hiachi close to herself while seeming sad.

Hiachi looked up to Sama and asked, "What is wrong Sama..?"

Kintoru looked down at the little girl, gazing at how frail she was. Kintoru had longed to take Hiachi's soul, but she needed trust. She smiled while saying, "My dearest Hiachi.. we are family.... are we not..?" Hiachi nodded in agreement. For she considered Kintoru her sincere mother.

"Can you do me a favor, my darling Hiachi?" Kintoru asked Hiachi.

Hiachi confusedly asked, "Sama, what is a favor?"

"Well... a favor is like doing something nice for someone.." replied Kintoru. She took Hiachi and showed her the paper seal that had laid on the tree for longevity. Hiachi stared at the paper while trying to read the message asserted across the paper. She could only make out a few letters before Kintoru stated, "My dearest Hiachi.. can you please take this paper of the tree so we can move about freely..? I promise you eternal joy..."

Hiachi nodded in agreement, not knowing she was within the grasp of Kintoru's maw.

Carefully, Hiachi took the paper off little by little. Kintoru laughed as the little girl suddenly fell, her vision blurred. "My dearest Hiachi, You're frail yet full of beauty. Such youth one would be blessed for! A victim of truth, yes, whom is to vouch for? Your only family has disgracefully become full of insanity. Your mother was once abnormal but now she's a mere mortal with the other assemblages. Your desire is to see your mother again, is it not?"

Hiachi cried while saying, "Yes... I miss my mama..."

Sama grinned vigorously and replied in a booming voice, "Your wish is my command, and you will never escape fate's hand. I promised you eternal joy, but this family was merely a decoy. After you suffered from calamity, your family will last for eternity as my marionettes.

Hiachi's vision suddenly became dark as she lay on the floor, lifeless.

Years of Being A Toy

Hiachi suffered miserably while being under the "care" of Kintoru, as a puppet. Thankfully, she had her mother to comfort her.

The Savior

320 years later after the events of The Girl and The Witch, Hiachi was sent by Kintoru to follow and kill her descendant, Yasu Masashige. From the school to the maze in the city. Hiachi did not want to hurt anyone, but she cannot help it as she is under Kintoru's control. While Yasu traveled through the school basement, Hiachi cried for her mother and chased Yasu throughout her maze in the city.


“josh the chopper”
isnt that just jeff the killer’s name but cheap?


No matter how horrifying this is, you never fail to make me smile
