Normalizing Pedophelia

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January 7, 2013

Pedophiles are quickly becoming a "persecuted minority," Barbara Kay joins Michael Coren to discuss how some are normalizing pedophilia.
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lets not forget how the media via disney channel and other tv "programming" ((it's just like it sounds)), are a big influence on people.


"Do as thou wilt". Alistair Crowley. God or Lucifer, people need to understand that there is a choice that will be made, even if you are an Atheist.


This is sick a child doesn't have the copasity to make adult dare so demons take away a child's


I was sexually abused at 8 years old once by my stepfather and i got broke in at 15 years off a 19 year old i did tell him to wait till i was 16 but he didnt he slept with me again for the second time on a different night i have never touched children im 37 years old i go to my local hospital and get free councelling and i avoid children


When you make one perversion mainstream (homosexuality), how can you then say no to Pedophilia? This was the slippery slope we warned about.


I think peadophiles need to be jailed for life and for legalising it that would never happen


Its not rocket science just keep your fingers to yourself


I also have 5 children i have never abused my children


Please see my channel about what's happening about this in Australia.  Please note there,   they call LGBT LGBTI.  The I is for intergenerational,   but they say it's for some new made up word,   "intersex",   which is hermaphrodite,   but they're not claiming to be a sexual preference,   so how does that even fit with LGBT in any way---clearly it doesn't and it's a totally sick joke.
I've shared this on Twitter (ozzieslovepedos).  Thank you very much.


We shouldn't burn these people alive or curse them out for being born a certain way, but more importantly, we can't let children be raped. The world needs to become aware of this issue and start offering therapy to these people.


Capitalism is also a terrible idea. Don't forget about it.


I've been saying for over 15 years that America needs to develop some type of national parenting union. Left and right I see more and more people believing that professionals in all fields have more rights, authority, and knoledge than parents do, and it's simply not true. Even parents are beginning to believe this and cave into the undermining of their on poer. Darn, my double-u key just broke! Hope you can make sense of hat I rote.


I just believe that anything we do can be classified into two things. 1. In the order of the nature or 2. Against the order of nature. And the order of nature dictates that after reaching puberty, a person have sex for reproduction. Before that its against the order. 16 or 18 or 21 is stupid.  Its way more complex than that.  And getting attracted to young people is biological, coz it ensures healthier offspring. And also homosexuality is sex against the order of nature. Coz it's not producing the expected end result. Its just like being an albino or having 6 fingers or hermaphrodite. ITS NOT WRONG AS PER ME. But surely against the order. Same is the case with attraction towards prepubescents. Its all a defect, you could get offended with my choice of word, but the fact is, being a pedo, asexual, eunuch, or gay or midget or blind or deaf etc is a defect. And I TOTALLY AGREE that we should NOT discriminate against them, coz they are that way. Moral right or wrong based on numbers is crazy!! When we can try someone as adult based on scenario, why not do the same for sexual consent? All in all we humans will always continue to enforce collective right on others based on majority. If majority in world thought it's crime to be brown, all the brown people would get executed. That's just life. And we will never ever be able to decide on right or wrong.And the chauvinists will keep enforcing their choice on rest of the people. So I sign off with... you have right to be anything you want, and so do I. And I have the right to hate you if I don't like what you want and so do you...


Whilst I would support "Mental Health" moves to understand pedophiles, it is absolutely essential that sanctions against pedophile behaviour are thoroughly maintained.
You cannot stress enough just how devastating sexual assaults on children are and deterrents of the most punitive sort need to be in place.
As for motives, intent and "Feelings", human beings have all sorts of aberrant thoughts. To suggest that we accommodate such disgusting behaviour is an affront to any notion of society.
I don't hold with the relaxing of inhibitions against LGBT people either.
Okay to recognise them, but not to allow them to manipulate their new found license to encourage such behaviour in young and unformed minds.
I know exactly what I am talking about here, having been sexually assaulted by a homosexual predator as a very young boy.
So if anyone wants to take me on here, go ahead and do your worst.


if we are confusing 17 year olds with 7 year olds then in that confusion is there window to debate this and begin to change peoples minds...


Kids can consent to something they don't want in exchange for something they do want. This kind of bartering should remain illegal because of the child's mental stage . The initiative should always be theirs but a sign of availability should be legal.

The latter blurs the ''initiative'' line considerably as displaying such a sign would likely happen on an individual basis:
How would a middle school teacher signal she (or he) is available to you without it counting as "having taken the initiative" ?

Receiving a positive signal would have to invoke a response that is no more charged than it would be if it was transmitted from a traffic sign. For this to be true, sex would have to be as normal as breathing.

I think normalizing sex would lead to a significant reduction in sex crimes by people who did not learn to have healthy sex because of the current cultural values.


Look, in order to prevent crimes against children from happening in the first place these people need a place to go for help instead of being flamed and or killed etc, no one is saying it's a good thing fck that, however, if it's a brain problem be it genetic or psychological then they need help not hate, all the hate in the world won't fix the problem, only love and understanding will fix this and stop crimes from happening,   in our system we wait till a crime has happened and then punish them, think how many people would be protected by stopping them by helping them instead of waiting huh?


Kinda makes you wonder what's worse a pedophile or a liar, which one can do more damage.
